Developer conference3-6 NovemberMalmö Sweden

Sessions - Øredev 2015


10.20 - 11.00

Quickstart Guide to the Five Rules of Accelerated Learning

Level: Intermediate

Every team, team leader, and team member needs specific collaboration skills for learning as a group, sharing knowledge, and developing “co-intelligence.” Learning together is essential to coordinating shared work. Based on the book, “QuickStart Guide to Five Rule for Accelerated Learning” by Willem Larsen and Diana Larsen, this session will show you how to set conditions for effective, fast team learning about customer needs, product qualities, work process, teamwork, and every kind of learning that enables great results the team, and the organization, can feel proud to deliver.


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ØREDEV was founded in 2005 by Jayway, a company comprised of and focused on specialists within IT. Øredev inherited this company's vision and philosophy.