Developer conference3-6 NovemberMalmö Sweden

Sessions - Øredev 2015


14.20 - 15.00

Test Leadership Heuristics Workshop

Level: Intermediate

Some testers are always leaders. Others see a project challenge that demands positive action and step into a leadership void because somebody has to. You may never seek or be given a formal role as a test leader, and yet be a trusted leader in the minds of your co-workers and managers.

What is test leadership? What are the specific personal qualities and skills that distinguish a true leader in testing?

In this interactive workshop, we’ll share some experiences and attempt to answer those questions. Together, we’ll explore the characteristics of a test leader and learn how to begin developing a set of positive heuristics that can help us become more effective leaders in our daily work

This mini-workshop is for testers, test managers, test leads—anyone who is or wants to become a test leader.

Other sessions - Fiona Charles


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ØREDEV was founded in 2005 by Jayway, a company comprised of and focused on specialists within IT. Øredev inherited this company's vision and philosophy.