

Cloud Native Java with Kubernetes

Key takeaways
  • If you've seen Josh Long's live coding session
  • But I'll show how to achieve much more with less coding
  • We'll live code & refactor an application to "fit" into the Kubernetes model
  • We'll also learn how to use sidecar containers like Envoy and Linkerd.

"We all want to craft Cloud Native Java applications that are modern, scalable and resilient. We're all aware by now that we need centralized configuration, log aggregation, monitoring, healthchecking, circuit breakers, tracing, service discovery, and more! What if instead of having to code all of this we could have all of these features provided to our system in a non-intrusive way? Without having to rearchitect everything all over again?

Come and join us on this session when we'll show you how to leverage your new Spring Boot application (or even your Java EE one) with the Kubernetes Platform. We'll convince you that you don't need to manage many different services by yourself to have a true Cloud Native application. You can rely on Kubernetes services to solve most of the problems. For the rest of them you can use alternatives like sidecar containers to offer added-value functionality without having to add even a single @Annotation!"

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