

Finding joy in programming

Key takeaways
  • What's Reason
  • What makes Reason uniquely suited for bringing joy to certain classes of problems
  • Why now? OCaml is more than 20 years old
  • How can you get start using it today in your work and side projects?

When is programming intrinsically fun, and when is it laborious? What drives some developers towards the rapidly developing JavaScript ecosystem, while others flock to less-developed and more esoteric languages and ecosystems? What keeps us using metaphors and abstractions developed so many decades before, when we've spent so much effort designing clean-slate systems?

We'll look at this discussion through the prism of ReasonML, a new syntax and set of tooling around OCaml.

OCaml itself is more than 20 years old and is wildly popular amongst academics, but is largely unknown in the industry. We'll see how Reason straddles the spectrum of the questions above to bring all of that horsepower to bear on industry problems - through a syntax and developer experience appealing to pragmatists, an emphasis on FP and a type system meant to draw in purists, and a focus on incremental migration that means we can use it in the systems of yesteryear while moving towards the abstractions of tomorrow.


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