

Going Reactive With Spring Data

Key takeaways
  • You will learn about Project Reactor and Reactive Streams.
  • We will cover types like Flux and Mono but also have a look at RxJava1 and RxJava2 types.
  • We'll have a look at building reactive APIs using Spring Data reactive support for MongoDB and Redis.
  • If we have enough time we'll see how to use all that in combination with Spring 5 WebFlux.

Data access and application scalability are closely related. Applications employ threads until they are done with their work while most of the time is waiting for I/O. Reactive infrastructure shifts responsibilities to where they can be handled best. It’s a move towards data streaming that does not require upfront fetching and therefore optimizes memory and computational resources.

This talk covers what a stream is and how reactive data access leverages scalability bounds by applying the most natural way of data access with Spring Data and Project Reactor. If you are a developer looking to consume data in a functional reactive style, this is your chance to gain the experience how your application can benefit from streaming data access and to learn why not everything should be reactive.


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