

Going Serverless - workshop

Key takeaways
  • Hands on knowledge of serverless development on AWS
  • Pros and cons of serverless applications
  • Best practices on how to develop serverless applications
  • Recognize when serverless is a good fit for your backend application

Serverless is one of the hottest new buzzwords, and for good reasons. Developers fancy the rapid development and ease of deployment, DevOps like features such as auto scaling and virtual hosting without worrying about the underlying operating system and infrastructure. However, serverless applications requires a different mindset compared to traditional backend development. Join us as we explore how to use and benefit from these new capabilities.

In this workshop, we will show how to apply a serverless approach to develop applications hosted on AWS. We will develop an application that contains a web app with a serverless backend. Additionally, we will also discuss best practices, use cases, and implementation guidelines for working with serverless architectures. We will use AWS Lambda, S3, DynamoDB, API Gateway and CloudFormation.


- A laptop

- JavaScript knowledge

- A bash terminal (e.g. Git Bash for Windows, OS X, Linux)

-- AWS CLI installed

-- Node.js and NPM installed

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Other sessions - Johannes Pelto-Piri

Other sessions - Mattias Severson


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