Jason Gorman

How The West Was Lost - A Heartwarming Tale of Software Developers Who Were Just Following Orders

Tuesday, 17:10

The news has been filled with stories about how Western democracy and our whole way of life is being undermined by powerful people who have exploited new technology - technology created by people like us. From presidential elections to EU referendums, we're seeing how technology can be turned against a citizenry. On a less newsworthy scale, software that works against our interests has become a day-to-day thing, stripping millions of privacy, livelihoods, basic rights and freedoms. How can developers say "no" when asked to create systems and solutions that can skew votes, spy on private citizens, destroy jobs and communities, and undermine nation states? As software "eats the world", do we have a role to play in making sure the new world that emerges is safe and fair for *all* of its citizens, and not just the oligarchs who employ us? As individuals and teams, what can we do? Are we powerless, or are we actually enablers whose decisions will determine the shape of things to come?

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