3-7 November - Malmö Sweden

4-7 November 2014 Malmö Sweden

Personal Reflection on Neo4j's Journey from Launch at Öredev 2007 to Today - a session at Øredev 2014


15.40 - 16.20

Personal Reflection on Neo4j's Journey from Launch at Öredev 2007 to Today

Level: Basic

Neo4j was launched at Öredev 2007 to a room of 50 developers, and has grown from there to the world’s most popular graph database, with over a million downloads and companies like Walmart, Telenor, Cisco and eBay using it for mission critical applications. A company has been wrapped around the open source project, and it has gone on to raise 25 million dollars in investments, over a hundred customers and tens of thousands of users. Neo4j is now headquartered in Silicon Valley with 60+ employees, but engineering HQ and the heart of the product is still Malmö.

This talk will be a personal reflection on a journey that started here at Oredev seven years ago. This is the raw and uncut version of all the ups and downs of a high growth startup, and lessons learned to date.


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ØREDEV was founded in 2005 by Jayway, a company comprised of and focused on specialists within IT. Øredev inherited this company's vision and philosophy.