Filip is a frontend developer from Denmark, focusing on delivering great user-experiences to the end-user. He is a Google Developer Expert and a Manager at IMPACT, delivering large-scale commerce-products to well-known business and consumer brands. Filip is passionate about the web, and cares not only about clean and efficient code but also about accessibility and performance, in order for the web to be available and accessible for everybody - without sacrificing great design/UX. In his city of Aarhus, he initiated an angular user group that is now the biggest in the country. Filip is an active community member and an experienced public speaker.
Today, digital products and companies are not just changing the way we live our lives, but also playing an increasingly influential role in public policy and governance. We have reached a point where consumer goods produced by technology industries are beginning to reshape what it means to be Human.
This year, we are going to explore advances in biohacking and transhumanism and their implications for humankind. Will they be to our benefit, further enhancing quality of life? How mindful should we be of the potential social and ethical pitfalls whilst we transform?