Intro to Kotlin Multiplatform
Key takeaways
- How Kotlin targets more than the JVM
- What the "Multiplatform" plugin is and how it works
- How to get started writing shared code for the JVM, Web, and Native platforms
- Where the platform is and where it's going in the near future.
Kotlin is generally known as a JVM language, and by many, as "Android's Swift," but it is so much more. JetBrains has planned Kotlin to be a portable language that can be rendered to many different platforms. Not just the JVM. These include Javascript and Native, which is an llvm compiler capable of outputting to iOS, Windows, Linux, Web assembly, and many other platforms. In this session, we'll cover: - Kotlin's target compilers and how they work - How the "Multiplatform" plugin meshes these together - An overview of the major tools and libraries - How to get started and next steps