Be brave and vulnerable
You have to be brave in order to change the world! This holds true professionally and personally.
So what does this have to do with me? You might think; I just want to do my job – not change the world.
At work we face challenges all the time that require courage; from asking for help to quitting your job; from admitting a mistake to saying that you did something good. Being brave and vulnerable is necessary.
Standing by who you are, having the courage to be different, making yourself vulnerable, speaking up when there is something important to you, sharing your fears and joys requires courage.
Courage is individual and there is no such thing as a little courage.
Being brave is not about removing fear or not being afraid – it is about doing what is necessary even when you are afraid.
I live this personally; I have to be brave (even have a tattoo with it). And it is a big learning I try to pass on to the people, I coach. In my session I will talk about why I have to be brave and vulnerable, give examples of how I am courageous, and why being brave is a big part of my worklife and of being agile…