3-7 November - Malmö Sweden

4-7 November 2014 Malmö Sweden

Careful with those People Skills: You'll Poke Somebody's Eye Out! - a session at Øredev 2014


10.20 - 11.00

Careful with those People Skills: You'll Poke Somebody's Eye Out!

Level: Intermediate

"People skills" are offered up as a way to get along with people better, to get them to do what you want, and to generally make your life easier. But often, a simple technique can backfire and produce the opposite response. How do you know you're doing it right? Why do people get mad when you give your feedback exactly like the book says to do it?

Lao Tzu said "The world is won by those who let it go." Giving up the steps and practices -- focusing instead on the underlying ideas and values -- can guide you to better relationships and better collaboration. Dig deep and learn how empathetic listening, authentic connection, and embodying compassion can fit naturally into your life and your work.


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ØREDEV was founded in 2005 by Jayway, a company comprised of and focused on specialists within IT. Øredev inherited this company's vision and philosophy.