3-7 November - Malmö Sweden

4-7 November 2014 Malmö Sweden

ES6: Getting ready for JavaScript vNext - a session at Øredev 2014


15.40 - 16.20

ES6: Getting ready for JavaScript vNext

Level: Intermediate

The latest version of JavaScript - ES6 - has arrived. There's a lot to be excited about - class syntax, generators, arrow functions, modules, promises, and enough syntactic sugar to keep you up past bedtime. The latest drops of Chrome and node.js make it easier than ever to start building ES6 applications both on the client and the server. This talk is going to go in depth on the most important features, and show you how to use many of them today in an ES5 kind of world.

Other sessions - Justin Beckwith


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ØREDEV was founded in 2005 by Jayway, a company comprised of and focused on specialists within IT. Øredev inherited this company's vision and philosophy.