3-7 November - Malmö Sweden

4-7 November 2014 Malmö Sweden

JavaFX on your wall, in your car, or on a plane! - a session at Øredev 2014


12.20 - 13.00

JavaFX on your wall, in your car, or on a plane!

Level: Intermediate

Fast and sexy, JavaFX is the perfect toolkit for creating cool UIs for embedded applications such as on wall displays, in car dashboards, or in flight entertainment systems. For embedded development, performance and size are key, and with JavaSE Embedded 8 it is possible to deploy a smaller, faster subset of Java to embedded systems. This session will explore techniques for building such UIs. We’ll demonstrate such UI deployed to systems ranging from a $30 700mhz Raspberry Pi all the way up to a $60 1.7Ghz quad-core ODROID-U3. IoT is driving device connections, to make that useful we will need to connect humans to those devices as well with all kinds of UIs.

Other sessions - Richard Bair

Other sessions - Jasper Potts


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ØREDEV was founded in 2005 by Jayway, a company comprised of and focused on specialists within IT. Øredev inherited this company's vision and philosophy.