Attackers are always trying their best to breach your network to steal the secret sauce hidden inside. This session will delve into the attacker's tool set and focus on the types of attacks that are being leveraged against companies today. I will examine tools, case studies and my own war stories.
- Introduction: Laying the ground work for the discussion.
- Types of attacks
- Attack data: We look into attack data to see what types of attacks are being leveraged against websites to provide a greater understanding of the threats posed.
- Threat modelling. What is the threat that you're actually facing?
-volumetric and amplification attacks
-extortion attacks
-web application security attacks
- Review of threat actors
- Attackers tools
-Scanners - low hanging fruit
- Mobile platform exposures
- To the cloud! An examination of booters (DDoS for hire)
- Lessons learned. How to best protect your data and web properties from attack.
- Case studies
- Conclusion