2009 Session: Keeping Your Options Open, Even if the Cloud is Not
Wednesday, 11:20 - 12:10
Track: In The Cloud
Cloud computing is a major shift in the way applications are developed and deployed. Once you’ve chosen a vendor how can you avoid being locked in to a proprietary API or service? Unfortunately, cloud standards have been slow to emerge. In this session we’ll look at techniques for keeping your applications and infrastructure as open and flexible as possible. We’ll look at APIs and standards such as EC2, S3 and OVF. Cloud computing won't reach its full potential without open standards
Basic knowledge of cloud computing concepts
You'll learn how to avoid vendor lock-in as you build cloud applications.
Additional Info
Doug Tidwell
Doug Tidwell is a Senior Software Engineer at IBM. He was a speaker at the first XML conference in 1997, and has spoken on technical topics around the world. He works in IBM's Software Strategy group as a technology evangelist for Cloud Computing and emerging XML standards such as SCA, SDO and XForms. He is the author of O'Reilly's XSLT, and has written many articles on IBM's developerWorks site and elsewhere on the Web. He lives with his wife, daughter and dog in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.