2009 Session: Semantic Web Programming for Java Developers
Thursday, 14:15 - 15:05
Track: Java
Java developers have several open source tools available that allow them to develop semantic web applications, applications that create or consume linked data as RDF. This seminar will breifly introduce the concept of linked data and quickly transition to practical advice and knowhow all in the context of Java. Real working software built on these technologies will be shared and discussed, such as http://geosparql.appspot.com and jenabean, an open source implementation of the JPA for Jena
Java intermediate with some XML background
How to utilize open source tools to create and consume linked data
Additional Info
Taylor Cowan
Taylor Cowan is a software architect at Travelocity. He received his Masters Degree in Computer Science from the University of North Texas, as well as a Bachelor of Music in Jazz Arranging. Throughout his career he has been working with Java in the context of the world wide web and more recently the semantic web. He is a founder and committer to the open source project jenabean, a Java to RDF binding framework, and maintains the semantic web focused blog at thewebsemantic.com.