2009 Session: What's New in Spring 3.0
Wednesday, 10:15 - 11:05
Track: Java
This year, Spring 3.0 was released. This major release of the popular framework comes with a host of new features and improvements. Highlights include support for REST and Java EE 6, an Expression Language and source code that's fully revised to make use of Java 5 features like generics and varargs.
Join us for an overview and demo of these new features, and learn how Spring 3.0 will help you to be even more productive when developing your Java applications.
Basic Java and Spring skills
Spring 3.0, Spring-EL, REST
Additional Info
Joris Kuipers
Joris specialized in J2EE technology when the first standards arrived, after having worked with J2EE-predecessors like the IBM SanFrancisco framework since 1999, and became the Java Technical Consultant for the Dutch Central Bank in 2003. In April 2007, Joris joined SpringSource in The Netherlands as a Senior consultant. He specializes in middle-tier development and is the lead developer of the SpringSource dm Server training.