Developer conference  7-11 November  Malmö Sweden



12.20 - 13.00

Fixing mind anti-patterns with mindfulness

Level: Intermediate

Emotional skills are unfortunately among those things that are rarely taught in school or college, and that most people need to discover, for the better or worse, by themselves throughout life; despite of all the evidence showing that cultivating a balanced mind helps in several areas of our experience.

This talk is about learning a few practical ways, through mindfulness, of dealing with our own wrong thought patterns that prevents us from having a better performance or satisfaction about whatever we do.

Mindfulness describes the state of focusing the awareness in the present moment, by acknowledging the sensations, thoughts and feelings we have. It can be used as a means of solving the problems that are typically created by one's perception of a situation or person.

Other sessions - José Lorenzo Rodríguez


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