This session will consider how a project can leverage all three aspects (ATDD, GUI Automation and Exploratory Testing) to successfully learn, automate, and advance application development.
Too often, we see people describe the benefits of each of these areas (Acceptance Test Driven Development, GUI Test Automation, and Exploratory Testing) as though they exist in isolation. They don't. In fact each relies on the other two, and like a tripod, each is a leg that requires the other to stand. This session will explore how a project can leverage all three aspects (ATDD, GUI Automation and Exploratory Testing) to successfully learn, automate, and advance application development. Additionally, we will explore two mnemonics (TERMS and CRUMBS) to help see if a project is ripe for automation and how to tell if it is progressing the way that it should. This session will use an example application and show how we have found a balance between "the three legs" as well as areas where we have optimized time to test and deploy changes.