Adam Bien

Adam Bien

Tags: Architecture, Java, Mastery

Consultant and author Adam Bien ( has worked with Java technology since JDK 1.0 and with Servlets/EJB 1.0 and is now an architect and developer for Java SE and Java EE projects. He has edited several books about JavaFX, J2EE, and Java EE, and he is the author of Real World Java EE Patterns—Rethinking Best Practices and Real World Java EE Night Hacks. Adam is also a Java Champion, Top Java Ambassador 2012, and JavaOne 2009, 2011, and 2012 Rock Star. Adam organizes occasionally Java (EE) workshops at Munich’s Airport.

Combining degrees in engineering and psychology allows Adam to get a different perspective on the cognitive and social challenges of software. Adam is the author of the popular Lisp for the Web tutorial, has written a book on Patterns in C and is currently writing on Design for Human Minds, an interdisciplinary look at software development from a psychological point of view. Other interests include modern history, music and martial arts.

Adrian Cole

Adrian Cole

Tags: Architecture

Adrian is an active member of cloud interoperability, REST, and DevOps circles. He is the founder of a few popular open source projects, notably Apache jclouds and Netflix denominator, both of which java libraries that help create portable cloud deployments. Adrian is currently employed as a software engineer at Square.

Adrian Howard is passionate about building effective teams and great products. He co-founded Quietstars to help organisations do that using Lean, Agile and User Experience practices. You'll find Adrian working with startup and product development teams — doing everything from coaching & teaching to hands on UX & development work You'll often find him ranting in a corner of the bar about how agile, business and UX folk need to play nice together. Be kind and buy him whisky.

Aleksey Shipilev

Aleksey Shipilev

Tags: Java, Test

Aleksey is Java Performance Engineer working for Sun/Oracle for 4+ years. His primary skills are performance engineering, benchmarking, concurrency, JVMs, JITs, and class libraries. He had contributed a lot of research time, tools, and insights into Java platform performance. Aleksey is the maintainer of Java Microbenchmark Harness (JMH) in OpenJDK. Prior joining Sun, he was employed by Intel where he worked in Apache Harmony performance team for 3+ years.

Anders Göransson is a Senior Software Consultant at Jayway, with a focus on mobile development in general and the Android platform in specific. With a background as developer, architect, mentor and teacher he is currently authoring his first Android development book.

Anders Janmyr

Anders Janmyr

Tags: Mastery, Tools

Anders is a programmer since 20 years. He loves programming, but also talking and writing about it. He has a wide experience of programming languages and has worked with frontend, backend, databases and embedded systems. The last years he is doing mainly web development in Ruby and Javascript. When he is not programming he enjoys slacklining, skiing, walking his dogs, and reading.

Andreas Håkansson is Senior Software Engineer based in Sweden. He is an active participant of the open-source community, both as a contributor and as the creator of projects such as Common Service Factory, MefContrib and Nancy. Andreas can be found tweeting regularly using @TheCodeJunkie

Andres Almiray

Andres Almiray

Tags: Languages, Java

Andres is a Java/Groovy developer and Java Champion, with more than 13 years of experience in software design and development. He has been involved in web and desktop application developments since the early days of Java. His current interests include Groovy, Swing and JavaFX. He is a true believer of open source and has participated in popular projects like Groovy, Grails and DbUnit, as well as starting his own projects. Founding member and current project lead of the Griffon framework.

Angela Harms

Angela Harms

Tags: Agile, Mastery

Angela Harms is an agile developer, coach, facilitator, and instigator. She loves beautiful code that emerges from collaboration, and learning new ways to make it work. When she’s not pairing on tests and the code they inspire, you can find her at conferences speaking about what she’s learned (so far), or discussing the intersection of software and love in open space. She lives in a community of nerds called MakerHouse in Cleveland’s historic Ohio City, USA.

Ann-Marie Charrett

Ann-Marie Charrett

Tags: Test, Team

Anne-Marie is a software tester, trainer and coach with a reputation of excellence and passion for the craft of software testing. An electronic engineer by trade, software testing chose her when she started conformance testing against European standards. She now consults and trains testers specialising in transforming test teams into powerhouses of testing skill. Anne-Marie currently lectures at the University of Technology, Sydney on software testing. She blogs at and offers the occasional tweet at @charrett.

Dr. Anna B. Scott writes so much, that most folks don't believe she is a dancer, or even a pedestrian for that matter. Wedded to her trusty laptop, the Doctoradancer churns out lots of words on a daily basis about dance, choreography of society, selling tickets, and saving the world with a good two-step, not necessarily in that order. A convergent human, Scott uses her ongoing research into rhythm, brands, and technology to make dance as a civic duty.

Ashic Mahtab

Ashic Mahtab

Tags: Architecture, .NET

Ashic is a .NET consultant based in London and an ASP.NET MVP since 2009. His experience ranges from real time fault monitoring systems to working for Her Majesty at Parliamentary ICT. When not messing about with code, he can be found moderating or having a rant on twitter. He is passionate about software design, messaging, DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing and almost anything to do with software; and is also the founder of the London ZeroMQ User Group.

Atley Hunter

Atley Hunter

Tags: Mobile, .NET, UX

Atley Hunter is a passionate developer with over 15 years’ experience. As one of the most prolific Modern UI developers in the world, he has more than 100 apps in the Windows Phone Store and 50 apps currently in the Windows RT Store. as a Microsoft Windows Phone MVP, Telerik MVP / Insider and Nokia Ambassador, he is constantly working with developers worldwide to improve both skills and the platforms themselves. Atley is always sharing his knowledge and connecting with developers through events, his blog, email Twitter, Skype and LinkedIn.

Attila Szegedi

Attila Szegedi

Tags: Java, Javascript, Languages

Attila Szegedi is a Principal Member of the Technical Staff at Oracle, currently working on the Nashorn JavaScript runtime for the JVM. Before Oracle, Attila worked as a Staff Engineer in Twitter’s Runtime Systems group. He is known for his work on Open Source projects: Mozilla Rhino, an earlier JavaScript runtime for the JVM; Kiji, Twitter’s server-optimized Ruby runtime; Dynalink, the dynamic linker framework for languages on the JVM; and the FreeMarker templating language runtime.

Björn Granvik has more than two decades of experience as a developer, architect, project leader and manager to mention just a few roles. Born in Pascal, fostered in C/C++ and reborn in Java, he still believes that "code matters" - second only to people and competence. Björn is a recurring speaker and expert panel facilitator usually around subjects like programming and agile methodologies. He can be found speaking in everything from user groups to conferences like Øredev.

Bodil Stokke

Bodil Stokke

Tags: Languages, Javascript

Bodil is a compulsive conference speaker in the fields of functional programming and internets technologies, and is a co-organiser of three annual developer conferences in her home town of Oslo, Norway, mostly because she’s still learning how to stop. She is a prolific contributor to the Free Software community, primarily as a Clojure developer, and has recently taken up designing new programming languages as a hobby. In her spare time, she works as a web developer for Comoyo.

Brent Beer

Brent Beer

Tags: Tools

Brent Beer has used Git and GitHub since his early University days and through many of his projects as a Ruby web application developer. He now enjoys his role helping people learn to use GitHub and Git to their full potential as a member of the GitHub Training team.

Brian Goetz

Brian Goetz

Tags: Java, Architecture

Brian Goetz is the Java Language Architect at Oracle, and is the specification lead for JSR-335 (Lambda Expressions for the Java Language.) He is the author of the best-selling book "Java Concurrency in Practice" and is a frequent presenter at major industry conferences.

Bryan Costanich

Bryan Costanich

Tags: Architecture, Mobile, Tools

Bryan Costanich is the Director of Education at Xamarin, makers of Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android, and the official shepherd's of the Mono project. He's a former Microsoft Architect, published author and renowned software architect. He's also a mobile development expert. In addition to having published to the Apple App Store, his recent project, MuveMusic, which runs on Android is the fastest growing music subscription service on the planet. When not working in tech, you can find Bryan monkeying around in Hollywood, or out in the mountains.

Cecilia Borg

Cecilia Borg

Tags: Java, Team

Cecilia is working for Oracle in Java product management with developer onboarding for the open source project OpenJDK. Cecilia is a senior engineering manager with 11 years in the Java organization in the JVM engineering organization in the development organization in Stockholm. Cecilia holds a M.Sc. in Computer Science.

Chris Mather

Chris Mather

Tags: Web, Javascript

Chris Mather runs EventedMind, an education company focused on modern Web technologies, where he publishes weekly screencasts on Meteor, NodeJS and Web technologies. Chris is the author of iron-router, a popular routing package, as well as several other popular Meteor packages. Chris lives in San Francisco, CA.

Chris Richardson is a Java Champion, the author of POJOs in Action and the founder of the original He spends his time investigating better ways to develop and deploy software.

Christian Heilmann

Christian Heilmann

Tags: Mobile, Web

Chris Heilmann has dedicated a lot of his time making the web better. Originally coming from a radio journalism background, he built his first web site from scratch in 1997 and spent the following years working on lots of large, international sites. He spent a few years in Yahoo building products and explaining and training people and is now at Mozilla. Chris wrote and contributed to four books on web development and wrote many articles for Ajaxian, Smashing Magazine, ScriptJunkie and many more.

Christian Horsdal

Christian Horsdal

Tags: Architecture

I'm an independent consultant working with clients as an architect, consultant and developer. I'm an expert .NET architect and developer who mixes and matches commercial, open source, and tailor made components in a quest to create simple and lean solutions that allows for quick and agile development.

Cyrille Martraire

Cyrille Martraire

Tags: Architecture

Developer with passion for more than 12 years in startups, software vendors and banks, Cyrille is co-founder and technical director of Arolla, a company specializing in software development. Still addicted to development, he dedicates a large part of his energy for clients, hands-on in the code, yet also deeply involved in the business analysis in finance. Passionate about design in every aspect (TDD, BDD, DDD), he also founded the Paris Software Craftsmanship community.

Dag König

Dag König

Tags: Cloud, .NET, Mobile

Developer since the middle ages. Started with Microsoft Unix system, Xenix, and has mainly been developing for that platform since. Works now for Microsoft as a Technical Evangelist and loves it. Is juggling with Windows Azure, Windows Phone and Windows 8.

Dan Haywood

Dan Haywood

Tags: Architecture, Java

Dan is a freelance consultant, author and trainer, specializing in domain-driven design, agile development and enterprise architecture on Java and .NET. He's a well-known advocate of the naked objects pattern, and is a committer and chair of the Apache Isis project. Dan also wrote the Restful Objects specification, which defines a hypermedia API for exposing object models. Apache Isis is one implementation of this spec, and Dan also commits to Restful Objects.NET, an implementation on Web API.

Dave Prior

Dave Prior

Tags: Agile, Team

Dave Prior is an Agile Consultant for BigVisible Solutions. He’s been managing technology projects, programs and portfolios since 1995. He began working with Agile in 2004 and became a Certified Scrum Trainer in 2009. Dave’s work as an educator and speaker has allowed him to lecture and teach in the U.S., Asia, the Middle East, Europe and Central America. He received his MBA from the University of Texas at Dallas. He lives in Oklahoma and he previously presented at Øredev in 2008 and 2010.

David Planella

David Planella

Tags: Mobile, UX

David works as the Ubuntu App Development Liaison in the Community Team at Canonical, the makers of Ubuntu, the most popular open source Operating System. His role involves coordinating and representing Ubuntu App Development, growing the community and acting as a liaison with app authors who target the free platform. A community manager with strong Engineering background, he possesses more than ten years of experience in contributing to and managing open source projects and communities.

Demis Bellot is a developer at Stack Exchange where he maintains StackOverflow Careers 2.0 Back Office Web & MQ services built on ServiceStack. He is the creator and project lead of ServiceStack.

Denise R. Jacobs is a Speaker + Author + Creativity Evangelist who teaches techniques to make the creative process more fluid, methods for making work environments more conducive to creative productivity, and practices for sparking innovation. Denise is a regarded expert in Web Design and is an industry veteran with over 16 years of experience. She is the author of The CSS Detective Guide, and co-authored Smashing Book #3 and Interact with Web Standards.

Doug Sillars

Doug Sillars

Tags: Mobile, Tools

Doug Sillars, Ph.D., is an industry leader in mobile application performance, and is a member of the AT&T Developer Advocacy team. He and his team of outreach engineers work with mobile developers to help make mobile apps that are more efficient, faster, and use less battery. A veteran of many mobile projects over the last 10 years, Doug received his PhD in Inorganic Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Douglas Crockford

Douglas Crockford

Tags: Languages, Javascript

Douglas Crockford was born in Frostbite Falls, Minnesota, but left when he was only six months old because it was just too damn cold. He is best known for having discovered that there are good parts in JavaScript. This was an important and unexpected discovery. He also discovered the JSON Data Interchange Format, the world's best loved data format. And he works at PayPal.

Frank Days

Frank Days

Tags: Agile

A pioneer in the application Agile in marketing, Frank Days is currently VP of Marketing at Correlsense. Previously, he was the Director of new and Social Media at Novell, a role he took after a decade of heading the marketing departments at a series of high-growth tech companies including Ipswitch, Experian QAS, and FirstGiving. He is the cohost of the Marketing Agility podcast and blogs at

Fred George

Fred George

Tags: Agile, Team

Fred George has been writing code for over 44 years in (by his count) over 70 languages. He has delivered projects and products across his career, and in the last decade alone, has worked in the US, India, China, and the UK. He started ThoughtWorks University in Bangalore, India, based on a commercial programming training program he developed in the 90’s. An early adopter of OO and Agile, Fred continues to impact the industry with his leading­edge ideas. Oh, and he still writes code!

Geertjan Wielenga

Geertjan Wielenga

Tags: Java, Web

Principal product manager in Oracle Developer Tools organization, focused on NetBeans IDE and the NetBeans Platform.

Gerrit is a software engineer with more than 8 years of experience in software development. He has been involved in Java desktop application developments and controls development. His current interests include JavaFX, HTML5 and Swing especially development of custom controls in one of these technologies. He is also interested in Java driven embedded technologies like SunSPOT‘s, BeagleBoard and Raspberry PI. He is a true believer in open source and has participated in popular projects like JFXtras as well as his own projects (SteelSeries Swing, SteelSeries Canvas). He is an active member of the Java community, where he founded and lead the Java User Group Münster (Germany) and co leads the JavaFX community. He is an international speaker at conferences and user groups.

Gil Fink

Gil Fink

Tags: Web

Gil Fink, Microsoft MVP, is an expert in web development and Microsoft data platform. He works as a senior architect at Sela Group. He is currently consulting for various enterprises and companies, where he architects and develops Web and RIA-based solutions. He is also a co-author of several Microsoft Official Courses and training kits. You can read his publications at his blog:

G. Ann Campbell

G. Ann Campbell

Tags: Java, Test, Tools

G. Ann Campbell is a co-author of SonarQube in Action and a part-time consultant for SonarSource, the company behind SonarQube. She also works as a Systems Engineer and Architect, and has 15 years of coding under her belt, as well as experience writing documentation and training end users and other coders.

Heidi Harman is the founder of, and co-founder of, project manager, UI-designer and digital strategist. With experience from previous work as planner and web director Heidi has graduated from the The School of New Economy, and Social Innovation (Kaospilots in Denmark) and has worked over ten years in the Scandianavian creative environment with both commercial-, and government web projects and start up ventures before starting her own company.

Håkan Reis

Håkan Reis

Tags: Mobile, UX, .NET

Håkan Reis has been working with Microsoft user interface development for more than a decade taking the journey from WinForms over WPF and landed firmly in Modern UI. He has been working with Modern UI since it was introduced in 2010 and have a deep knowledge of the principles that drives the design. During 2012 he helped Microsoft migrate customer designs, going to Windows 8. Ever since the design was introduces he has continued to push the Modern UI design boundaries on all platforms.

Iris Classon

Iris Classon

Tags: Mobile, .NET

Iris recently caught the attention of the developer community with her tremendous passion for programming and unique career path; a reg. clinical dietician turned programmer. Within a year she earned MCPD & MCTS certifications, was invited to join MEET, and landed a fulltime developer job. She’s been interviewed on Hanselminutes, Code Project, and Pluralsight and is a software developer for Evry and organizor of the Sweden Pluralsight Study Group

Itamar Syn-Hershko

Itamar Syn-Hershko

Tags: Architecture, Database, Cloud, Dev Ops

Itamar Syn-Hershko, a frequent open-source contributor in general and an Apache Lucene.NET committer in particular, has been a core developer for RavenDB until recently and is the author of “RavenDB in Action” published by Manning. Today he leads a team at Buzzilla, where they build a scalable search system. Itamar hosts a blog at, and his Twitter handle is @synhershko.

James Bach is the co-author of Lessons Learned in Software Testing and the author of Secrets of a Buccaneer-Scholar. He has been in testing for 25 years, teaches Rapid Software Testing methodology, and published his first heuristics of testability in 1995.

James Ward

James Ward

Tags: Web, Java, Architecture

James Ward works for Typesafe where he teaches developers the Typesafe Stack (Play Framework, Scala, and Akka).

Jed Wood

Jed Wood

Tags: Javascript, Web

Jed is a UX Developer at, and technical writer for StrongLoop. He has spent the past decade bridging the gap between design and programming by creating rapid prototypes and production applications. Today he spends most of his time building and connecting APIs. Jed previously served at the White House as a Presidential Innovation Fellow. Prior to that he worked at Gravity Tank, and co-founded LimeChile. He has a Masters degree from the Institute of Design in Chicago.

Jen Myers

Jen Myers

Tags: UX, Web

Jen Myers is a web designer/developer and teacher. She is part of the team at Dev Bootcamp in Chicago. In 2011, she founded the Columbus, Ohio chapter of Girl Develop It, an organization that provides introductory coding classes aimed at women, and currently co-leads the Girl Develop It Chicago chapter. She speaks regularly about design, development and diversity, and focuses on finding new ways to make both technology and technology education accessible to everyone.

Jens Bergensten

Jens Bergensten

Tags: Keynote, UX

Game developer and designer, currently working as lead developer of Minecraft.

Jesse Cravens

Jesse Cravens

Tags: Javascript, UX, Web

Jesse Cravens is a Principal Engineer at frog where he works with the world’s leading companies, helping them to design, engineer, and bring to market meaningful products and services. With 12 years of experience in web application development, Jesse is currently focusing on single page web applications, the mobile web, and HTML5.

Jessica Kerr

Jessica Kerr

Tags: Java, Languages, Architecture, .NET

Not long ago, Jessica Kerr thought learning a new programming language meant memorizing syntax. After a dozen slow years of Java and C, she discovered F#, then Scala and Ruby and more. Now languages are a cromulent means for learning new concepts and ideas. Her mission as a speaker is to bring these gems back to Java and C# developers, that all may take as much joy in our work as she does. Her mission in real life is to keep two daughters alive without squashing their innate craziness.

Jez Humble

Jez Humble

Tags: Team, Dev Ops

Jez Humble is a Principal at ThoughtWorks Studios, and co-author of the Jolt Award winning Continuous Delivery, published in Martin Fowler’s Signature Series (Addison Wesley, 2010). He has worked as a software developer, product manager, consultant and trainer across a wide variety of domains and technologies. His focus is on helping organisations deliver valuable, high-quality software frequently and reliably through implementing effective engineering practices.

Jimmy Nilsson

Jimmy Nilsson

Tags: Architecture

Jimmy Nilsson is co-founder and CEO of factor10. He has written two books (Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns [ADDDP] and .NET Enterprise Design [NED]). He has also been training and speaking at conferences (like OOPSLA, JAOO, NDC, VSLive, GOTO, QCON), but above everything else, he is a developer/architect with twentyfive years of experience.

Joel Jacobson

Joel Jacobson

Tags: Architecture, Database

Technical Evangelist at Basho Technologies, the makers of Riak, a highly available, distributed database.

John K. Paul

John K. Paul

Tags: Languages, Web

John K. Paul is the lead technical architect of Conde Nast's platform engineering team and former lead front end software engineer at He is a contributor to numerous open source projects including He has spoken to various startups around NYC about front end development, and scalable engineering practices, in particular, unit testing javascript. Additionally, he has taught Javascript and jQuery fundamentals to teams throughout the NYC area.

Jon Gyllenswärd

Jon Gyllenswärd

Tags: Architecture

Jon is a coding architect. For the past 15 years Jon has strived to build better software every day. His day time job is with Sirius International Insurance as team leader, responible for the development of risk simulation and pricing tools. When he is not at his day time work he is always involved in a startup business or free time project.

Joshua Long

Joshua Long

Tags: Cloud, Dev Ops, Java, Architecture

Josh Long is the Spring developer advocate. Josh is the lead author on 5 books from Apress, O'Reilly, as well as the instructor on the Pearson Spring Livelessons series, and a SpringSource committer and contributor. When he's not hacking on code, he can be found at the local Java User Group or at the local coffee shop. Josh likes solutions that push the boundaries of the technologies that enable them. His interests include scalability, BPM, grid processing, mobile computing and so-called "smart" systems. He blogs at or and is on Twitter as @starbuxman.

Juergen Hoeller

Juergen Hoeller

Tags: Java, Mastery

Juergen Hoeller is co-founder of the Spring Framework open source project and has been serving as the project lead and release manager for the core framework since 2003. Juergen is an experienced software architect and consultant with outstanding expertise in code organization, transaction management and enterprise messaging.

Julian Harty

Julian Harty

Tags: Test, Mobile

Julian's been actively involved in testing and test automation for mobile apps since 2006. He develops Android apps, works on testing and test automation for web and mobile apps and shares much of his material freely. He's worked for Google for 4 years and eBay for 18 months in global roles. Over the years he's also participated in hundred's of workshops and conferences globally.

Julie Lerman

Julie Lerman

Tags: Architecture, .NET

Julie Lerman is a Microsoft MVP, .NET mentor and consultant who lives in the hills of Vermont. You can find Julie presenting on Entity Framework and other Microsoft .NET topics at user groups and conferences around the world. Julie blogs at, is the author of the highly acclaimed "Programming Entity Framework” books, the MSDN Magazine Data Points column and popular videos on Follow Julie on twitter at julielerman.

Julius Tuomisto

Julius Tuomisto

Tags: Tools, UX, Web, .NET

Julius Tuomisto (b. 1980, Helsinki, Finland) is a versatile technology and media professional with a background in computer animation and graphics. He is CEO and Founder of Delicode Ltd, a Helsinki based software and UIX boutique that specializes in developing software for depth cameras like the Microsoft Kinect. Tuomisto also performs as a VJ (visual jockey) under the alias "Julius Verne" using Z Vector, a new depth sensor based visual performance software that his company develops.

Justin Searls has two professional passions: writing great software and sharing what he’s learned in order to help others write even greater software. He owns test double, a software studio in Columbus, Ohio, where he’s currently helping clients build well-crafted user experiences for the web.

Jutta Eckstein

Jutta Eckstein

Tags: Team, Agile

Jutta Eckstein is an independent coach, consultant and trainer. She has helped many teams and organizations all over the world. She has a unique experience in applying agile processes within medium-sized to large distributed mission-critical projects. Having completed a course of teacher training and led many 'train the trainer' programs in industry, she focuses also on techniques which help teach & learn and is a main lead in the pedagogical patterns project.

J. B. Rainsberger

J. B. Rainsberger

Tags: Agile, Team, Architecture, Mastery

J. B. Rainsberger helps software companies better satisfy their customers and the businesses they support. He has learned to write valuable software, overcome social deficiencies, and built a life he enjoys. He has traveled the world helping people get what they want out of work and out of their lives. Recently he has launched to help even more people start getting the advice they need with minimal investment. He lives in Atlantic Canada with his wife, Sarah, and three cats.

Kate Sullivan

Kate Sullivan

Tags: Agile, Team

Kate Sullivan is the Legal and Business Affairs Manager for Lonely Planet in London. Over the last three years, Kate and Lonely Planet's Legal Affairs team have transformed their service delivery model by successfully introducing Agile work practices.

Kevin Grant

Kevin Grant

Tags: Mobile, UX

KEVIN GRANT is an Android Engineer at tumblr, a creative blogging platform in New York City, where he focuses on application design, implementing the latest design paradigms and pushing the boundaries of the Android framework. He began developing for Android in 2009, performing research at the University of Nevada, Reno. After graduating he was employed in Malmö, Sweden where he further honed his mobile skills in the Scandinavian startup scene.

Kirk started his career architecting, developing, and tuning applications running on Cray and other specialized high performance computing platforms. For the past 15 years, Kirk has specialized in benchmarking and tuning Java applications across all phases of their project life cycle. Author, speaker, consultant, Kirk was recognized as a 2006 Java Champion recipient for his contributions to the Java community.

Lars Sjödin

Lars Sjödin

Tags: Architecture, Database, Dev Ops, Java

Lars is the Architect for server systems at King, the global leader in cross platform casual games. He has been a lead developer and architect since 1998 in various games companies, developing everything from PC and Console games to online games formats. Lars main focus is high performance systems and core architecture, currently for server solutions in java. 

Linus Kvarnhammar

Linus Kvarnhammar

Tags: Web, .NET

Linus is a senior developer and ethical hacker at TrueSec where he mixes development of security software with security analysis of code, applications and infrastructure for customers such as government agencies and the finance industry. TrueSec is Sweden's leading IT-security company with services such as security analysis of infrastructure, applications and code as well as software development with high security requirements and design of secure infrastructure.

Linus Walleij

Linus Walleij

Tags: Keynote

Linus was an enthusiast home computer hacker in the 1980ies and 1990ies, has since been working in the telecom industry and as of late as a maintainer on certain subsystems in the Linux kernel.

Luke Daley

Luke Daley

Tags: Java, Mobile, Tools

Luke Daley is a member of the Gradleware engineering team. At Gradleware Luke works on Gradle (A JVM based build automation tool) and helps teams reach new levels of project automation and quality.

Mads Kristensen

Mads Kristensen

Tags: Web, .NET

Mads Kristensen is a Sr. Program Manager on the Web Platforms & Tools team at Microsoft working on the web developer experiences of Visual Studio. He has over a decade of experience in developing web applications on the Microsoft platform which got him the honor of becoming both an ASP.NET MVP and ASPInsider. Mads is also the creator of BlogEngine.NET, Web Developer Checklist and Web Essentials, Image Optimizer and Voice Commands for Visual Studio.

Marcus Hirt

Marcus Hirt

Tags: Java, Tools

Marcus is one of the founders of Appeal Virtual Machines, the company that created the JRockit JVM. He is currently working as Team Lead for the Java Mission Control team. In his spare time he enjoys coding on his many pet projects, composing music, scuba diving and building things. Marcus has contributed JRockit related articles and tutorials to the JRockit community, and has been an appreciated speaker at various conferences. He is also one of the two authors behind a popular book about JVM technology.

Marcus Murray

Marcus Murray

Tags: .NET, Web, Test, Tools

Marcus Murray is the Security Team Manager at Truesec. In addition to his work designing secure infrastructures and implementing security functions, he also performs security assessments for a variety of clients, including banks, military organizations, and other large corporations. He is frequently engaged as keynote speaker for Security Events and his focus is often security threats, vulnerabilities, and awareness, and how to implement countermeasures that work in the real world.

Marie Gustafsson Friberger

Marie Gustafsson Friberger

Tags: UX, Web, Team, Tools

Marie is a researcher and teacher in computer science at Malmö University. Current research projects are Data games and Living archives, which include aspects open data, linked data, games, and cultural heritage.

Markus Voelter

Markus Voelter

Tags: Languages, Tools

Markus Voelter works as an independent researcher, consultant and coach for itemis AG in Stuttgart, Germany. His focus is on software architecture, model-driven software development and domain specific languages as well as on product line engineering. Markus also regularly writes (articles, patterns, books) and speaks (trainings, conferences, podcasts) on those subjects. Contact him via

Markus Winand

Markus Winand

Tags: Database

As an author, trainer, and coach Markus Winand specializes in helping developers cope with SQL performance issues. He also published the book "SQL Performance Explained" and tweets his best performance tips via @SQLPerfTips.

Martin has over the last 15 years helped organizations develop and improve their IT solutions within areas such as security, performance, availability and efficiency. With a burning interest in technology, programming languages and agile solutions he enjoys challenging established wisdoms to find better ways of doing things. Currently he works as a Solutions Architect for Amazon Web Services where he helps customers make the most out of what the cloud has to offer.

Mats-Olov Eriksson

Mats-Olov Eriksson

Tags: Architecture, Database

Mats-Olov Eriksson at has worked with BI, analytics and software development in various environments. He holds a deep knowledge and interest in system architecture of scale and data architecture. At M-O is heading a team of system and data architects and developers who all work with refining the value of the billions of records the team extract from games every day

Matthew's role at GitHub, along with his growing number of colleagues in the Outreach Team, is to provide numerous in-person and asynchronous ways in which developers can explore, discover, learn, and master the GitHub Way of software development. Matthew is a co-author of O'Reilly Git, Jenkins, and Gradle books and videos.

Mattias is passionate about technology and has spent a large part of his life writing software for mobile devices. Experienced in all aspects of the stack from boot loaders to web views he has been around the Android platform since 2008. After some years in the mobile hot spot in south Sweden he went to Spotify where he is now a team lead building mobile apps together with a growing number of great developers.

Mattias Erlö

Mattias Erlö

Tags: Mobile, Tools, UX, Web

Mattias is a senior software developer/architect who left his home country Sweden for Japan five years ago to work with multimedia software for mobile devices at Sony Mobile in Tokyo. He has also been working with software security and governance. On his free time Mattias likes to experiment with making simple games and demos in HTML5/JavaScript.

Mattias Jönsson

Mattias Jönsson

Tags: UX, Web, Team, Tools

Mattias is an experienced technical advisor and consultant within Business Intelligence and Analytics, and has worked with many organisations across Europe, ranging from smaller companies to global enterprises in a wide variety of industries. As a Senior Solutions Consultant for TIBCO Spotfire in the Nordics, Mattias helps businesses and organisations to get insights from Big Data and turn these into valuable actions.

Michael Bolton is a software tester, consultant, and trainer with 20 years of experience around the world, testing, developing, managing, and writing about software. He is the co-author (with senior author James Bach) of Rapid Software Testing, a course that presents a methodology and mindset for testing software expertly in uncertain conditions and under extreme time pressure. Currently, he leads DevelopSense, a Toronto-based consultancy. Contact Michael at

Michael Crump

Michael Crump

Tags: Mobile, .NET

Michael Crump is a Microsoft MVP, INETA Community Champion, and an author of several .NET Framework eBooks. He speaks at a variety of conferences and has written dozens of articles on .NET development. He currently works at Telerik with a focus on our XAML control suite. You can follow him on Twitter at mbcrump or keep up with his blog by visiting

Michael Larsen

Michael Larsen

Tags: Agile, Team, Test

Michael Larsen is a Senior Quality Assurance Engineer with Socialtext, located in Palo Alto, California. For two decades, he has tested products ranging from networking equipment to touch devices to Internet applications. He is a black belt in the Miagi-do School of Software Testing, a director with the Association for Software Testing, and is primary facilitator for Weekend Testing Americas. Michael blogs at and can be found on Twitter at @mkltesthead.

Michele Leroux Bustamante

Michele Leroux Bustamante

Tags: Architecture, Cloud, Web, .NET

Michele Leroux Bustamante is Managing Partner at Solliance ( and founder of Snapboard ( and is recognized as a MS Regional Director and MVP. Michele is a thought leader with over 20 years speclializing in building scalable and secure end-to-end system design, identity and access management, and cloud computing technologies - for companies of all sizes. Michele shares her experiences through presentations globally, and has been perennally published in tech journals.

Misko Hevery

Misko Hevery

Tags: Web, Javascript

Miško Hevery is the creator of AngularJS framework. He has passion for making complex things simple. He currently works for Google, but previously worked at Adobe, Sun Microsystems, Intel, and Xerox, where he became an expert in building web applications in web related technologies such as Java, JavaScript, Flex and ActionScript.

Oleg Zhurakousky

Oleg Zhurakousky

Tags: Cloud, Database, Dev Ops

Oleg is a Principal Architect with Hortonworks responsible for architecting scalable BigData solutions using various OpenSource technologies available within and outside the Hadoop ecosystem.

Patroklos Papapetrou

Patroklos Papapetrou

Tags: Tools, Java, Test

Patroklos Papapetrou is a Java architect, addicted to software quality and an agile team leader with more than 15 years of experience in software development. He believes and invests in people and team spirit seeking quality excellence. He's co-authoring Sonar in action book, he is an active Sonar community member and plugin contributor. He treats software systems as flowers that's why he prefers calling himself a software gardener.

Paul Stack

Paul Stack

Tags: Dev Ops, .NET

Paul Stack is a London based developer working on the .net technology stack. Paul has spoken at various events throughout the world as well as extensively in the UK about his passion for continuous integration and continuous delivery and why they should be part of what developers do on a day to day basis. He believes that reliably delivering software is just as important as its development.

Per Eckerdal

Per Eckerdal

Tags: Mobile, Team

Per's passion for software development began at age nine, when his mom let him look at the handouts from a C++ course she took. Ever since, he has devoured everything he could find about the subject. Programming language design is one of his main interests. At Spotify Per works as a software engineer with iOS client infrastructure.

Peter Broqvist

Peter Broqvist

Tags: Tools, UX, Web, .NET

Peter Neubauer

Peter Neubauer

Tags: Architecture, Database

I am co-founder of a number of popular Open Source projects such as Neo4j, OPS4J and Qi4j. I love to connect things, write novel prototypes and throw together new ideas and projects around graphs and society-scale innovation. Right now, I am concentrating on bringing Open Source projects into the enterprise at Neo Technology, the company behind Neo4j, the world's leading Graph Database. Here, we are creating a global software development movement towards high performance, pragmatic database solutions like Neo4j.

Peter van Hardenberg

Peter van Hardenberg

Tags: Database, Dev Ops

As the co-founder of the Heroku Postgres product team, Peter has been responsible for more data and more databases than most people will ever have to suffer through in their whole career. Prior to signing on with Heroku, he worked in the Arctic Ocean as a field researcher, in a former bank as a hand-held console developer, in a basement as a Shakespearean scholar, and as an application developer for an open-source alternative to iTunes.

Petra Sundström

Petra Sundström

Tags: UX

Petra is a leading researcher within the field of HCI and Interaction Design. She is since october 2012 Lab Manager for the Crafted Technology and Experiences lab at SICS and Mobile Life. She has international work experience from Microsoft Research in Cambridge and from Salzburg University. She has published more than 30 scientific papers in journals such as IJHCS and PUC, and at prestigious conferences such as CHI and CSCW.

Phil Trelford is a Software Architect and Developer at Trayport, a market leading supplier of energy trading systems. In another life he worked on video games like Halo 3, Jurrassic Park and Powermonger. These days Phil spends most of his time developing in F#, C#, C++ and JavaScript, he's also a bit of an Erlang fan.

Rachel Reese

Rachel Reese

Tags: .NET, Cloud, Languages

Rachel Reese is a long-time software engineer and math geek who has recently relocated to the lovely Burlington, Vermont. She runs the local functional programming user group, @VTFun, which is a constant source of inspiration to her, and at which she often speaks on F#. She's also an ASPInsider, a community enthusiast, one of the @lambda_ladies, and a Rachii. You can find her on twitter, @rachelreese, or on her blog:

Randall Munroe

Randall Munroe

Tags: Keynote

Randall Munroe is the creator of the webcomic “xkcd” and author of the science blog "What If". He grew up in southern Virginia, where he worked at NASA building robots and 3D displays. In 2006, he left NASA to draw comics for a living. He enjoys charts, research papers, long and grueling walks on the beach, mindlessly refreshing news websites, exploring Google Maps, and training computers to beat humans at Rock-Paper-Scissors. He lives in Boston, Massachusetts.

Reza Rahman

Reza Rahman

Tags: Java, Web, Architecture, Mastery

Reza Rahman is a former independent consultant and now officially a Java EE/GlassFish evangelist at Oracle. He is the author of the popular book EJB 3 in Action. Reza is a frequent speaker at Java User Groups and conferences worldwide including JavaOne. He is an avid contributor to industry journals like JavaLobby/DZone and TheServerSide. Reza has been a member of the Java EE, EJB and JMS expert groups. He implemented the EJB container for the Resin open source Java EE application server.

Richard Campbell has spent more than 30 years playing around with microcomputers. Along the way he's done virtually every job you can imagine in the industry, from manufacturing to programming to consulting, training and writing. Today Richard is a Microsoft Regional Director, an ASP.NET MVP and co-host of .NET Rocks!(, co-host of The Tablet Show ( and the host of RunAs Radio ( You can reach Richard at

Rodrigo Cortes

Rodrigo Cortes

Tags: Tools, UX, Web, .NET

Rodrigo has been working as an Artist for 15 years in the Games Industry. He has worked on most fields of Computer Graphics like Animation, 2D, 3D, Sculpting and Level Design on pre-production and full production as well as on leadership roles. He has worked on the Ground Control and World in Conflict franchises and lately he woked on Art and IP of Tom Clancy's The Division as an Art Director. In his current position of Brand Art Director he oversees the graphics style on a Brand level.


Roy "Woody" Zuill

Tags: Agile, Mastery, Team

Woody Zuill has been programming computers for 30 years, and works as an Agile Coach/Development Manager. Over the last 15 years he has worked as an Agile Coach, Trainer, and Extreme Programmer. He believes code must be simple, clean, and maintainable to realize the Agile promise of Responding to Change. He spent many years as an artist/designer/manaufacturer of graphics for televised sporting events where deadlines are for real. Loves Mob Programming.

Saleem Siddiqui

Saleem Siddiqui

Tags: Test, Agile

Saleem Siddiqui is a software developer and agile coach with ThoughtWorks. For the last 15+ years, he's worked on delivering software for a several customers, large and small. He has traveled a fair bit over the world in pursuit of his other passion: explaining about aspects of software delivery to others. As much as he loves to create and talk about software, his most serene moments are in the company of his wife and daughter, with whom he spends his non-traveling time in suburban Chicago.

Scott Barber

Scott Barber

Tags: Test

Scott Barber, CTO of PerfTestPlus, is a software testing thought-leader specializing in delivering performant systems. He is best known as an author, consultant, testing activist and energetic speaker. Currently, his work is focused on delivering business value through testing. Scott Co-Founded WOPR, served as a Director of AST and CMG, is a member of ACM, IEEE, MENSA, the Context-Driven School of Software Testing, and is a signatory to the Manifesto for Agile Software Development.

Shay Friedman is a Visual C# MVP and the author of IronRuby Unleashed. With more than 10 years of experience in the software industry, Friedman now works in CodeValue, a company he has co-founded, where he creates products for developers, consults and conducts courses around the world about web development and cloud computing. You can visit his blog at

Siren Hofvander

Siren Hofvander

Tags: Mobile, Test

Siren left the united states at 20 to see the world, her first stop Sweden, 8 years later she's still here. Her interest in security was peaked at a young age after watching the movie Tron and having a natural talent for breaking things, it has remained a passion. When not cheerfully parked in front of her computer she spends her time getting lost in the woods with her two dogs or riding horses. Siren works at Verisure Innovation as a security expert.

Steen Lehmann

Steen Lehmann

Tags: UX, Web, Team, Tools

Steen studied computer science and human-computer interaction in the 1990s. He has since taken many roles in IT, e.g. software developer, architect, team leader, interface designer, consultant. Steen has a long-standing passion for interaction design and information visualization, and has been following the recent trends in JavaScript tools and frameworks closely.

Steve Klabnik

Steve Klabnik

Tags: Languages

Rails committer, Jumpstart Lab instructor, nomad philosopher

Svetlana is a developer of the Kotlin language at JetBrains. She is interested in different programming languages. Also she teaches Scala course at St. Petersburg Academic University.

Tess is a developer evangelist at Microsoft and her job is to inspire developers and help them use the Microsoft products to their full potential. Right now the focus is on Windows Phone and Windows 8 apps, and she has a long history as a developer and debugger. She runs a popular blog about debugging and development at and you can reach her through the twitter handle @tessferrandez.

Thomas Q Brady is a design technologist at frog in Austin, Texas. He's worked in ebook production, business simulation design and development, rich media marketing experiences and, for the past several years, designing and prototyping hardware, software and cross-channel product experiences.

Tom Scott

Tom Scott

Tags: Architecture

Tom is an itinerant consultant working for ThoughtWorks. For the past year, he has spent his time coaching a team and building a new platform for price comparison.

Tomas Nilsson

Tomas Nilsson

Tags: Java

Tomas is a Product Manager for Java at Oracle, working with most flavors of Java from Card and Embedded up to Java SE. He is deeply involved in Oracles messaging around Java - what so say, when, to whom and how. Often acting as a translator from the pure technicaleese, that we all know and love, to actual language that can be read by mortals.

Vaughn Vernon

Vaughn Vernon

Tags: Architecture

Vaughn is a veteran software craftsman, with more than 25 years of experience in software design, development, and architecture. He is a thought leader in simplifying software design and implementation using innovative methods. Vaughn is the author of the book Implementing Domain-Driven Design published by Addison-Wesley. Vaughn consults and speaks internationally, and has taught his Implementing Domain-Driven Design classes on multiple continents.

.NET Rocks! is a weekly talk show animated by Carl Franklin and Richard Campbell for anyone interested in programming on the Microsoft .NET platform. They come to Øredev and interview speakers on the exhibition floor stage. The shows range from introductory information to hardcore geekiness. Take a pause and chill in a bean bag listening to them