Wednesday 16.45-17.35

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Architected by Yehuda Katz (core Ruby on Rails contributor) and Tom Dale, Ember.js is a JavaScript MVC framework which evolved from Sproutcore 2.0. Seen as an alternative to other popular client MVC solutions like Backbone.js and Angular.js, Ember.js differs in that it provides 'Rails-like' defaults by convention to common coding patterns, intelligent memory management, built-in integration testing, and a next generation client side persistence solution called ember-data.

Join O'Reilly authors, Jesse Cravens and Thomas Brady, as they take the audience through the construction of a demo application: setting up client side models and exploring the use of various persistence solutions, using data bindings to live update the UI in response to data changes, and showing how Ember’s router manages application state.

Attendees should leave this session with an understanding of how to build and deploy Ember.js applications using various server side web frameworks and the latest in client-side build, package management, and workflow.