Omri Fima
Omri is a Data Hacker, Maker, and LEGO master builder. currently, he is a Data Architect at Natural intelligence, Obsessive for building magical user experiences using data and AI.
unfold_lessunfold_more Recommendations at scale with Elastic Search
Key takeaways
- You will learn how to employ elastic search for recommendations
- You will understand why search engines are good for recommendations at scale
- You will be introduced to the factors that make a recommendations engine a good one.
Elastic Search is, you know, for search… but in recent years it is no longer only for search. we use Elastic Search to power our main recommendation and discovery experiences, to allow our shoppers to discover interesting and exciting new products. In this talk, I will show how we use the power of ElasticSearch to create a personalized experience at scale. Find out how you can utilize ElasticSearch to create production grade ML capabilities such as recommender systems, personalized feeds, text classification and even personalized search!