Øredev Blog

Visual whiz Ole Qvist-Sørensen at Øredev

We are happy to announce that Ole Qvist-Sørensen will hold a session at Øredev. Ole is a promoter of visual thinking, graphic facilitator and holds a black belt in explaining complex things.

Here is a recent presentation by Ole at TEDx Copenhagen, challenging us to draw more, together

Together with his colleauges Ole did graphic facilitation at TEDx Copenhagen, and here is the result in the form of a speeddrawing presenting the whole line of speakers

At Øredev Ole will explain why getting getting everyone on the same page matters. In a hands on double session he will show us how to communicate, visually. Think you can not draw? Ole will prove you wrong!

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If You have three oranges and eight lemons, how many fruits do You have?
(Please answer with numbers!)