Øredev Blog

Reginald Braithwaite “What I’ve learned about learning”

We are very much looking forward to 2012 keynote, Reginald Braithwaite, deliver on The Thursday of the conference, with his talk entitled  “The Rebellion Imperative”, introducing three essential tactics when disrupting entrenched institutions.
Recently Reginald published a candid piece “What I’ve learned about learning”, containing observations on his learning process. Reading it may very well stir up one’s owns thoughts on the journey towards acquiring new knowledge. Check it out below.

Follow him @raganwald and find out more about this interested and interesting Øredev contributer on his website- http://braythwayt.com/ 

What I've Learned About Learning

I have a rather glaring life-long weakness, a behaviour that has tripped me up many times. You would think that I would have noticed it and corrected my behaviour in my teens or twenties, but no, it has persisted. While I am much better at correcting myself, it is extremely persistent and requires constant vigilance to suppress. Read more...


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