Øredev Blog

Excellence becomes Mastery

The Excellence track from previous years of Øredev is still there with a new Tag -We name it Mastery. This tag includes both excellent programming practices and mastery of software development.

Here you find master Fred George who has written code in 44 years in over 70 languages who will speak about Programmer Anarchy. Also master Brian Foote have a career of four decades to lean upon in his talks. Brian will speak about architecture, where the Why Mud Still Rules talk of course is a sequel upon the “Big Ball of Mud” design school.

Then you have young Master Katrina Owen who speaks about refactoring in a therapeutic way. And not the least Master rebel Zed A. Shaw who bring up the question why Programming Languages are Hard to Teach.

And if this is not enough. We have master classes Monday and Tuesday with several of our speakers, and an extra class with Rob Sabourin on Wednesday. These are named tutorials – just to mix up the nomenclature a bit more.

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