Session: Prototypes, Prototypes and Prototypes - and the difference between them.

Thursday 16.45 - 17.35
Room: Nyan Cat

Scope creeping? Vision dissipating? Stakeholders disengaging? Team splintering? Specification ballooning? User experience rehashing?
Application prototyping can help with these ailments and more by creating a common vision for team members, stakeholders and customers.
Prototypes can be high fidelity or low fidelity, interactive or static, speculative or definitive. This session covers the role of prototypes to explore, evaluate and communicate your vision at each stage of the project lifecycle . We'll talk about the pro's and con's of various prototyping techniques and tools, and how to save time, money and frustration by creating quick, early and visible prototypes throughout your project.

Tags: Creative Team UX


Learn about different forms of application prototyping and when to use them throughout the development lifecycle

Shane MorrisShane Morris

Shane Morris is one of Australia's most respected user experience professionals. Through consulting, mentoring and training he has helped organisations create compelling digital experiences since 1991. In that time he has worked on desktop applications, internet applications, mobile user interfaces, physical devices and web sites. Shane has taught user experience topics around the world and is a key contributor to "101 Things I Learned in Interaction Design School" at