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Session: Better Builds with Maven 3.0

Friday, 13:10 - 14:00
Track: Java

Maven 3.0 has undergone major refactorings, and correspondingly, a battery of backwards compatibility tests to ensure a smooth transition from Maven 2.0. These refactorings prepare Maven for the next several years of development, including the separation of the POM file language from from the POM in-memory processor, which is already leading to Groovy, Ruby and YAML based POM file parsers.

Explore what's new on the cutting edge release of Maven, version 3.0. We'll explore the performance improvements, features that make debugging Maven issues easier, and changes to POMs that may require modifications to your build, but will result in more determinate build outputs.


Differences between Maven 2.0 and Maven 3.0, how to leverage Maven 3.0 features

Matthew McCullough

Matthew McCullough is an energetic 14 year veteran of software development, open source education, and co-founder of Ambient Ideas, a Denver consultancy. Matthew is a member of the JCP, author of the upcoming Presentation Patterns & Anti-Patterns book, multi-year speaker on the No Fluff Just Stuff tour, author of the DZone Maven, Git & Google App Engine RefCards. He channels his teaching energy through activities as President of the Denver Open Source Users Group.


Øredev founded by: Jayway

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