Tuesday: NoSQL Day
Almost all software development is done in teams, with people working together for a common purpose. Small or large, collocated or distributed, all teams have one thing in common. The more effectively they can collaborate, the more effective they become at delivering value. We have gathered some of the world's top experts and authors on teamwork and collaboration to help you find ways to improve the way you and your team work together.
10:15 - 11:05
Facilitation skills are essential for anyone. In fact, everyone facilitates whether they know it or not! Do you work on a team, manage an organization, or otherwise work with others? The opportunity to facilitate will come up.
Doc will lead you to explore the common patterns & antipatterns that come up in facilitation, for the facilitator and the participants. We’ll have some fun by taking on roles, and exploring the behaviors that work and that don’t work.
Steven List (generally known as “Doc”) is currently a principal consultant with ThoughtWorks, with a career in software technology spanning three decades. Doc's long-term focus is on the core skills and strategies of management, leadership, team-building, and individual growth, and is an experienced presenter and public speaker, business and agile coach, trainer and workshop leader, and Open Space facilitator.
11:20 - 12:10
Successful collaboration between two people in any context requires both to give and receive feedback, yet our schools and organisations teach us nothing about how to do so effectively. We'll explore some simple rules for giving and receiving feedback, observe how most people give ineffective feedback to others and illustrate examples of applying the rules to make it more effective.
Patrick works as an agile practitioner, coach and technical leader for
ThoughtWorks UK. His interests focus on blending excellence in technical
and team aspects, drawing upon agile practices to help align business
and IT capabilities. He is particularly passionate about continuous
improvement, learning and has presented at a wide variety of conferences
including Javazone, Agile North, the XP200x series of conferences and
Agile 2009.
13:10 - 14:00
Agility asks for face-to-face communication, trust and collaboration.
Proximity can be created by travelling - at least sometimes. Virtual
communication channels provide another possibility overcoming the distance.
But we should take the trust threshold into account which, once hit, will
break an existing relationship.
Jutta Eckstein is a coach, consultant and trainer from Germany. Her know-how in agile is based on 10+ years experience developing object-oriented applications. She has helped organizations worldwide to apply agile processes in medium to large distributed mission-critical projects. This is also the topic of her books 'Agile Software Development in the Large' and 'Agile Software Development with Distributed Teams'. She has presented at ACCU, JAOO, OOPSLA, SD West, SD Best Practices, XP and Agile
14:15 - 15:05
Agile software development depends on close collaboration. If we don't
trust our team mates or our managers, this can block collaboration on
the team.
Being able to build trust is an essential skill for agile coaches which
is covered in Rachel's Agile
Coaching book. Come along to this talk to find out some simple
ways that you can start building trust on the teams you work with.
Rachel Davies has a wealth of experience through her work coaching agile teams. Her new book "Agile Coaching" shares many practical tips that can help you take your teams to the next level. Rachel supports the agile community as a long-serving director of the non-profit Agile Alliance and as an organizer of many Agile conferences.
15:35 - 16:25
We measure project success by the team's ability to efficiently and reliably deliver valuable, high quality software to the customer. Increase the prospect for project success by ensuring team members have the skills for effective collaboration and clear, unambiguous communication. Diana Larsen will describe the six collaboration skills teams need and show techniques to get them active in your team.
Diana Larsen sparks the creation of workplaces where productive teams display resilience in times of change and deliver software their customers want and use. Drawing on 15+ years of working with technical professionals, Diana takes a pragmatic approach to consulting with leaders and teams to promote work process designs where innovation, inspiration, & imagination flourish. Diana co-authored Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great!
16:40 - 17:30
Aslam Khan is a software architect at factor10 with more than 18 years experience. He has a particular passion for tackling complex problems and with the belief that simplicity is a choice that generates creativity. He is pragmatist that considers the only truthful implementation of an architecture is the code that gets executed. Aslam spends his time empowering teams with techniques that will allow them to design and build better software. You can read his blog athttp://aslamkhan.net
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