Contact us
Mattias Georgson Petrén, CEO of Øredev
Mattias runs projects. His career spans a full spectrum- beginning in research, with the building of particle accelerators and eventually leading him to Jayway, where his expertise is in the running of SW projects with Agile methods, and in building applications for major telecom operators.
Mattias engages in the diffusion of ideas. From his years at University, where he was a prolific creator of articles, posters, and presentations, his was an active voice in the debates within his fields of specialty. In more recent years, this field is comprised of project management, with a spotlight on how to adopt, apply and use Agile methods in more efficacious and expanding ways.
In his own words, "Sharing knowledge through conferences, seminars and the like is key for effective development in all fields of specialty. Øredev is a fantastic gathering of minds, where different fields of SW development are discussed, developed and cross-pollinate with one another in a way that is unusual for private industry. Øredev supplies a platform for both personal development of the participants as well as professional development for the organizations represented."
Telephone: +46-(0)70 739 86 16
Emily Holweck, Event Architect, Marketing and Communication Manager
My name is Emily and my heart belongs to people that come together and achieve in making a positive difference.
Telephone: +46-(0)40 602 31 03
Kathy Compton, Human Ressource
Last year I made my Øredev debut and was caught singing into a bowl of candy. Being at the conference apparently made me very happy. So I flew in metal bird across the Atlantic and became Team Øredev's newest addition. i am obsessed with the power of crowds and what their collective passion can create. You may know me also as communications girl because i speak English brilliantly.
Telephone: +46-(0)70 317 92 91
Your feedback is very important.
The committees will always take into consideration your thoughts and ideas, both on what works well and areas we can improve. If you have wishes on speakers, subjects or ideas please let us know. It gives us inspiration and help us to prepare the next event for you.
Reach us at
Where the magic happens
Visiting and postal address
Öredev AB
Hans Michelsensgatan 9
SE-211 20 Malmö
Tel:+46 (0)70 - 739 86 16
Fax:+46 (0)40 - 127276