Want to spend some intensive time in small groups really learning to improve your practice? Then the tutorials are for you! And there are many to choose from. Tutorials are on monday 7th and tuesday 8th of November and are also at the Slagthuset.
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Agile Team Flow
While some companies are fully committed to adopting Agile, others are adopting it in name only. Some Agile teams flourish, while others can barely move ahead. Come learn about agile project delivery and how high-performing agile teams flow. In this interactive tutorial we will experience what it is like to work on agile teams, both good and bad, and discover what it takes to grow a strong Agile team. You will leave with valuable insights and practical techniques you can readily apply at work.

Selena Delesie
A consulting software tester and agile coach, Selena Delesie has been managing and coaching on software, testing, and agile practices for a decade. She facilitates the evolution of good teams and organizations into great ones using individualized and team-based coaching and interactive training experiences. Selena is a contributing author to How to Reduce the Cost of Software Testing and an active speaker, participant, and leader in numerous associations and conferences. Follow Selena online at DelesieSolutions.com.
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Animation facilities in Cocoa Touch
Touch-responsive smooth animations are a key component of the iOS user experience. This workshop will teach you how to use the animation facilities in Cocoa Touch to make your apps just as snappy and intuitive as Apple's own! By writing code together, we'll get to know the frameworks and find ways to add the right kinds of polish to make your apps shine. You'll also learn what sort of graphics are best suited for animation in iOS.

Jack Nutting
Jack Nutting has been using Cocoa since the olden days, long before it was even called Cocoa. He's used Cocoa and its predecessors to develop software for a wide range of industries and applications including gaming, graphic design, online digital distribution, telecommunications, finance, publishing, and travel. When he's not working on Mac, iPhone, or iPad projects, he's developing web applications with Ruby on Rails. Jack is a passionate proponent of Objective-C and the Cocoa frameworks.
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Come introduce yourself to the concepts and fundamental technique behind TDD
Test-driven development is a core practice of software craftsmanship and professional software development. Getting started on your own is difficult, though. In this extremely hands-on course, we will cover basic concepts and techniques around test-first and test-driven development, as well as explicit practices to get you started. Along the way, we'll talk about the benefits and values you can provide to your clients, businesses and team members through effective usage of test-driven development.Topics covered:Test-first vs Test-driven developmentBuilding blocks of testingUsing tests to drive designUsing your regression test suite

Corey Haines
After 12 years of coding for money, Corey Haines said enough and went on a year-long, journeyman pair-programming tour. Traveling the world, pair-programming for room and board, he spent his time teaching, learning and just living as a knowledge-cross-pollinating, little, software craftsmanship bee. For the past three years, Corey has focused his attention on helping developers improve their fundamental software design skills through the use of focused-practice events, such as coderetreat. Lately, Corey has been shifting his attention to getting kids excited about programming through building games in Scratch.
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Enterprise development with NServiceBus
This course teaches you all the ins-and-outs of NServiceBus - the most popular, open-source service bus for .NET. Used in production since 2006, NServiceBus is now used in hundreds of companies in finance, healthcare, retail, SaaS, web 2.0, and more.From basic one-way messaging, through publish/subscribe; providing solutions from transactions to cross-machine scale out; this hands-on course will show you how simple distributed systems development can be.

Andreas Öhlund
Andreas Öhlund, one of the lead developers for NServiceBus, is an enterprise development expert with thorough experience from messaging based DDD and CQRS solutions. Andreas is a passionate developer, speaker and trainer, you can follow him on twitter using @andreasohlund
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Enterprise development with NServiceBus
This course teaches you all the ins-and-outs of NServiceBus - the most popular, open-source service bus for .NET. Used in production since 2006, NServiceBus is now used in hundreds of companies in finance, healthcare, retail, SaaS, web 2.0, and more. From basic one-way messaging, through publish/subscribe; providing solutions from transactions to cross-machine scale out; this hands-on course will show you how simple distributed systems development can be.

Andreas Öhlund
Andreas Öhlund, one of the lead developers for NServiceBus, is an enterprise development expert with thorough experience from messaging based DDD and CQRS solutions. Andreas is a passionate developer, speaker and trainer, you can follow him on twitter using @andreasohlund
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Get Excellent using Git
This workshop will take very new and emerging Git users and bring them to a heightened level of productivity by leveraging Git's powerful range of productivity features in a hands on exploration of much of what Git has to offer. Some topics to be covered include: * Rebasing * Merging * Branching models * Working with refs * Git internals * The Reflog * Reset, revert and the right way to undo * Building your own Git scripts

Matthew J. McCullough
Matthew McCullough is an energetic 14 year veteran of enterprise software development, open source education, and co-founder of Ambient Ideas, LLC, a Denver consultancy. Matthew currently is a member of the JCP, author of the Git Master Class and author of Building and Testing with Gradle for technology publisher O'Reilly. He channels his teaching energy through activities as President of the Denver Open Source Users Group.
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Improving your TDD
In this day-long workshop, we'll explore some more subtle aspects of test-driven development. Through intense, hands-on exercises, we'll look at aspects of TDD that are often overlooked, including:- what effect does test ordering have on your design;- how do you choose the next test to write;- the effect of isolation-based testing on your design.This workshop is language-agnostic, although focused on object-oriented languages. So, come spend the day exploring through code.

Corey Haines
After 12 years of coding for money, Corey Haines said enough and went on a year-long, journeyman pair-programming tour. Traveling the world, pair-programming for room and board, he spent his time teaching, learning and just living as a knowledge-cross-pollinating, little, software craftsmanship bee. For the past three years, Corey has focused his attention on helping developers improve their fundamental software design skills through the use of focused-practice events, such as coderetreat. Lately, Corey has been shifting his attention to getting kids excited about programming through building games in Scratch.
Influence and Authority: Using Your Personal Power to Get Things Done
Have you ever felt as if you had the responsibility but not the authority? Or, that you needed something from someone, but you had to beg, borrow, or steal it? Maybe you’ve felt the joy of accomplishing something that you were responsible for, but had to work through someone else to accomplish.Almost no one has enough authority to finish the work we have responsibility for. And, we almost always have the ability to influence others, to use our personal power in the organization to become effective or make a difference.Some of us are are facile with our personal power. Others of us have concerns: am I manipulating people? am I manipulating the situation? am I being fair to others? Others of us are unsure where to start with using our influence.In this session, you will feel your personal power and experiment with how to use your influence.

Johanna Rothman
Johanna Rothman works with companies to improve how they manage their product development--to maximize management and technical staff productivity and to improve product quality. Johanna is a leader in the Agile community, having most recently chaired the Agile2009 conference. Johanna is the author of several books: - Manage Your Project Portfolio: Increase Your Capacity and Finish More Projects - The 2008 Jolt Productivity award-winning Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management - Behind Closed Doors: Secrets of Great Management - Hiring the Best Knowledge Workers, Techies & Nerds: The Secrets and Science of Hiring Technical People She writes columns for Stickyminds.com and on “extreme project management” for Gantthead.com, and writes two blogs on her web site, jrothman.com. She is a host of the Amplifying Your Effectiveness conference.
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No not cars, CQRS one day workshop
CQRS has been being picked up by many people due toits ability to help simplify complex domains. This workshop willintroduce CQRS as well as Event Sourcing. An existing stereotypicalarchitecture will be evolved into one using CQRS and Event Sourcingwith many interesting architectures along the way. We will also divedeep into real working code how different aspects of the systemactually work with a very heavy emphasis on not only how to produceworking code but also how to test it.

Greg Young
Greg Young is an independent consultant who lives in two suitcases (literally). When not travelling around working for clients throughout the world you can often find him on the domain driven design list, blogging at codebetter.com, or floating upside down in a kayak through rapids.
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No not cars, CQRS one day WS
CQRS has been being picked up by many people due toits ability to help simplify complex domains. This workshop willintroduce CQRS as well as Event Sourcing. An existing stereotypicalarchitecture will be evolved into one using CQRS and Event Sourcingwith many interesting architectures along the way. We will also divedeep into real working code how different aspects of the systemactually work with a very heavy emphasis on not only how to produceworking code but also how to test it.

Greg Young
Greg Young is an independent consultant who lives in two suitcases (literally). When not travelling around working for clients throughout the world you can often find him on the domain driven design list, blogging at codebetter.com, or floating upside down in a kayak through rapids.
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Transitioning to Agile Testing
Transitioning to Agile Testing Did you ever wonder what a tester does on an agile team? There are no formal written requirements documents from which to create test cases, and the features aren’t complete before they need to be tested. It can be confusing for testers who are new to agile teams. New agile development project teams often don’t understand how beneficial having a tester can be to the overall success of the project.In this tutorial, we’ll follow an agile tester through a typical two-week iteration, and more. We start with how testers contribute during release and iteration planning, and then follow a tester from the start, through to the end of an iteration to see what activities he does and how he adds value. Exercises and discussions will reinforce the learning. Finally, we examine the agile tester’s role in a successful release, including the end game, UAT, packaging, and documentation.Any tester who is struggling to understand their role on an agile team, functional managers, or other members of an agile team (developers, iteration managers, product owners) wanting to know how to get all their stories, including all testing tasks, “done” by the end of each iteration, will find value in this tutorial.

Janet Gregory
An agile testing coach and practitioner, Janet Gregory is the co-author of Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams and a contributor to 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know. Janet specializes in showing agile teams how testers can add value in areas beyond critiquing the product; for example, by guiding development with business-facing tests. For the past ten years, Janet has been working with teams to transition to agile development, and teaches agile testing courses and tutorials worldwide. Janet contributes articles to publications such as Software Test & Performance Magazine and Agile Journal, and enjoys sharing her experiences at conferences and user group meetings around the world. Janet was named one of the 13 Women of Influence in testing by Software Test & Performance magazine.
Visual planning and strategic
Transform abstract ideas into visuals to promote critical thinking and spur creativity and innovation. We work collaboratively with session facilitators and participants to prioritizes ideas and build a vision of your future state. As the session comes to a close we help promote accountability by capturing next steps and action items. Afterward we work with you to create a visual transformation map, organizational chart, or gant chart of your future state vision.

Heather Willems and Nora Herting
Heather Willems and Nora Herting are co-founders of ImageThink, a graphic recording firm. By transforming ideas into powerful visuals, ImageThink increases engagement, retention, and creativity for participants in meetings of all kinds. Imagethink supports strategy workshops, innovation sessions, and brainstorms in industries as different as healthcare to aerospace. Both have backgrounds as educators. Nora taught both at The Ohio State University and Denison University. Heather taught at Minnesota Center for Photography, Minneapolis College of Art and Design, and The Ohio State University. When not graphic recording, Nora can be found making fine art photography, while Heather focuses on illustrations that use text as image. As fine artists, they have exhibited their work individually throughout the United States. Heather and Nora live in Brooklyn, NY and travel to work around the country.
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Your First Android Physics Game
Working with games is a dream of many developers, but when you haven't done it before, it can be difficult to know where to start. Making games with advanced collisions and physics can then seem all but impossible.In this workshop, we will show you how to get started with developing games for Android. We will start with simple concepts like sprites and layers and will finish by including a competent physics engine. The end result will be a simple physics-based game that can be used as a template for bigger and more ambitious projects.This workshop is for developers with a basic knowledge of java, but no former experience in game development is needed.

Pär Sikö
Pär is a passionate developer whoʼs been working with client side Java for more than ten years and that is hoping for another ten years filled with challenges and new technology. Pär is a fast learner with a need to always learn more and never being satisfied, always wanting more. This is a good thing since GUI programming always ends up on pixel level where the details are of utter most importance.

Martin Gunnarsson
Great programmers are usually lousy designers, and vice versa, but Martin is one of those rare crossbreeds who can handle both. Graphics programming and GUI design suits him particularly well, but being a true perfectionist, heʼs rarely satisfied with the results of his own work. Martin has worked with many different client side frameworks the last few years, including Swing, JavaFX, Android, Javascript and iOS.