Session: Test Driven Android

Friday 14.10 - 15.00
Room: Grinding the Crack

There are few topics hotter these days than Mobile Software Development. It seems like every company is rushing to release their own Mobile Application.  But when it comes time to build that software they quickly learn that things are different.  Many developers claim that it is very difficult to test drive the application and some even state that it is impossible.  Traditional testing tools are unable to automate the application in the emulator or on the device so testers are usually left with a manual functional testing approach.  Join Cheezy as he reveals the secret of delivering a fully tested, high quality Android application.  Following an Acceptance Test Driven approach, Cheezy will begin by writing an outer loop of acceptance tests. As he automates those tests one-by-one he will then bring the application to life by test driving an inner loop of unit tests. This fast paced, hands on session will demonstrate how acceptance tests combined with unit tests can be used to drive out the behavior and implementation and help one deliver high quality Mobile Applications.

Tags: Hands on Mobile Test


Learn how to use ATDD for mobile development.

Jeff Jeff "Cheezy" Morgan

Chief technology officer and a cofounder of LeanDog, Jeff “Cheezy” Morgan has been coaching teams on agile and lean techniques since 2004 with a focus on the engineering practices. For the past three years he has experienced great success and recognition for his work focused on helping teams adopt Acceptance Test-driven Development using Cucumber. He has authored several popular Ruby gems used by software testers and is the author of the book, Cucumber & Cheese—A Testers Workshop.