Tuesday: NoSQL Day
Wednesday, 15:35 - 16:25
Track: Architecture
In late 2008, the two biggest frameworks existing in the Ruby community (Rails & Merb) decided to merge and announced the beginning of a series of efforts from where would emerge Rails 3.0. Since the announcement, the community was surrounded by questions about how the future would look like. Will Rails change its philosophy? Which concepts will Merb bring to Rails?
Now, almost two years later, Rails 3 is out and rocking solid. In this talk, José Valim is going to discuss what changed during these two years, expose how Rails 3 will change the way you develop and, finally, tease you with what is coming in the future!
what changed during these two years, expose how Rails 3 will change the way you develop and, finally, tease you with what is coming in the future!
José is the lead-developer and co-founder of Plataforma Tec and a member of the Rails Core Team. He started working with Ruby and Rails in late 2006 and he began contributing actively to Rails during his Google Summer of Code 2009 project, leading him to be invited to be part of the Rails Core Team a few months later. Some say that it is his eureka time to code and bring new open-source projects to life.
Check for yourself what he's up to on his blog http://blog.plataformatec.com.br/
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