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Session: Windows Identity Foundation

Friday, 10:15 - 11:05
Track: .Net

Hear how Windows Identity Foundation makes advanced identity capabilities and open standards first class citizens in the Microsoft .NET Framework. Learn how the Claims Based access model integrates seamlessly with the traditional .NET identity object model while also giving developers complete control over every aspect of authentication, authorization, and identity-driven application behavior. See examples of the point and click tooling with tight Microsoft Visual Studio integration, advanced STS capabilities, and much more that Windows Identity Foundation consistently provides across on-premise, service-based, ASP.NET and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) applications.

Vittorio Bertocci

Vittorio is a Senior Architect Evangelist in DPE and member of the extended engineering team that produces Microsoft's claims-based platform (e.g. Windows Identity Foundation WIF, AD FS 2.0). As an identity evangelist for the .NET dev community he runs the Identity Developer Training Kit and the IdElement show on Channel9.
Vittorio speaks about identity and is a prominent authority on WIF, Windows Azure and .NET. He is co-author of two books on identity and has a third book on the way


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