Tuesday: NoSQL Day
Arun Gupta is a Java EE & GlassFish Evangelist working at Oracle. Arun has over 13 years of experience in the software industry working in various technologies, Java(TM) platform, and several web-related technologies. In his current role, he works very closely to create and foster the community around Java EE & GlassFish. He is a prolific blogger at http://blogs.sun.com/arungupta with over 1000 blog entries and visitors from all over the world reaching up to 25k hits/day.
Track: Java, wednesday 16:40 - 17:30
The Java Persistence API is the Java API for the management of persistence for Java EE and Java SE applications. It provides an object/relational mapping facility for the Java application developer using a Java domain model to manage a relational database. The release 2.0 has been expanded to include several key new features.
This session will provide an introduction to the Java Persistence API and then a presentation of some of the new features available in Java Persistence 2.0. The talk will provide an overview of the object-relational mapping and modeling additions, the query language facilities, the new criteria API, pessimistic locking, and support for validation.
Topics to be covered include the following:
The attendees will learn through several live code samples on how to get started with leveraging these features in Java EE and SE environments using NetBeans and Eclipse IDE.
Track: Java, tuesday - morning
Do you want to know how Java EE 6 breaks one-size-fits-all paradigm ? Do you want to learn about various ease-of-use features introduced in Servlets 3.0, Enterprise Java Beans 3.1, and Java Server Faces 2.0 ? Packaging EJBs in a WAR file, Facelets, no "web.xml" in WAR, and much more ? How about creating RESTful Web services using JAX-RS ? Dependency Injection using Contexts & Dependency Injection and specifying validation constraints on your bean ? All this in a standards-compliant way using Java EE 6 tooling in NetBeans and Eclipse. If the answer to any of the above questions is Yes, then this is code intensive workshop is designed for you.
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