Tutorial: Transitioning to Agile Testing
tuesday, - all day
Track: Test
Transitioning to Agile Testing Did you ever wonder what a tester does on an agile team? There are no formal written requirements documents from which to create test cases, and the features aren’t complete before they need to be tested. It can be confusing for testers who are new to agile teams. New agile development project teams often don’t understand how beneficial having a tester can be to the overall success of the project.In this tutorial, we’ll follow an agile tester through a typical two-week iteration, and more. We start with how testers contribute during release and iteration planning, and then follow a tester from the start, through to the end of an iteration to see what activities he does and how he adds value. Exercises and discussions will reinforce the learning. Finally, we examine the agile tester’s role in a successful release, including the end game, UAT, packaging, and documentation.Any tester who is struggling to understand their role on an agile team, functional managers, or other members of an agile team (developers, iteration managers, product owners) wanting to know how to get all their stories, including all testing tasks, “done” by the end of each iteration, will find value in this tutorial.
Janet Gregory
An agile testing coach and practitioner, Janet Gregory is the co-author of Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams and a contributor to 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know. Janet specializes in showing agile teams how testers can add value in areas beyond critiquing the product; for example, by guiding development with business-facing tests. For the past ten years, Janet has been working with teams to transition to agile development, and teaches agile testing courses and tutorials worldwide. Janet contributes articles to publications such as Software Test & Performance Magazine and Agile Journal, and enjoys sharing her experiences at conferences and user group meetings around the world. Janet was named one of the 13 Women of Influence in testing by Software Test & Performance magazine.