Tutorial: Agile Team Flow
monday, - all day
Track: Test
While some companies are fully committed to adopting Agile, others are adopting it in name only. Some Agile teams flourish, while others can barely move ahead. Come learn about agile project delivery and how high-performing agile teams flow. In this interactive tutorial we will experience what it is like to work on agile teams, both good and bad, and discover what it takes to grow a strong Agile team. You will leave with valuable insights and practical techniques you can readily apply at work.
Some Agile knowledge and/or experience is beneficial.
- Rhythm of high-performing Agile teams: how they think, work, act- Understand different Agile frameworks- The Agile Mindset and why it enables success- Importance of creative and critical thought
Selena Delesie
A consulting software tester and agile coach, Selena Delesie has been managing and coaching on software, testing, and agile practices for a decade. She facilitates the evolution of good teams and organizations into great ones using individualized and team-based coaching and interactive training experiences. Selena is a contributing author to How to Reduce the Cost of Software Testing and an active speaker, participant, and leader in numerous associations and conferences. Follow Selena online at DelesieSolutions.com.