Tutorial: No not cars, CQRS one day workshop
monday, - all day
Track: Workshops
CQRS has been being picked up by many people due toits ability to help simplify complex domains. This workshop willintroduce CQRS as well as Event Sourcing. An existing stereotypicalarchitecture will be evolved into one using CQRS and Event Sourcingwith many interesting architectures along the way. We will also divedeep into real working code how different aspects of the systemactually work with a very heavy emphasis on not only how to produceworking code but also how to test it.
Greg Young
Greg Young is an independent consultant who lives in two suitcases (literally). When not travelling around working for clients throughout the world you can often find him on the domain driven design list, blogging at codebetter.com, or floating upside down in a kayak through rapids.