Session: 0-60 with Goliath: Building High Performance Ruby Web-Services
Friday, 10:00 - 10:50
Track: Web
Building a high-performance web service in Ruby? Then, chances are, you are looking at implementing a non-blocking server. Goliath is an open source, event-driven I/O framework, much like node.js or Tornado, except that Goliath is based on EventMachine, features a Ruby API, and most importantly, does away with the asynchronous "callback muck" by utilizing Ruby 1.9’s Fibers to preserve the nice synchronous look-and-feel of your code – which makes it much easier to write, test, and maintain.
Familiarity with Ruby and ideally some background with event-driven architectures
- A quick introduction to event driven network programming in Ruby- A quick introduction to Ruby Fibers (coroutines)- A ground-up introduction to Goliath Ruby framework
Ilya Grigorik
Ilya Grigorik is a developer, an open-source and Ruby evangelist, a data-geek, and a proverbial early adopter of all things digital. Now living in the San Francisco Bay Area, Ilya is working on Social Analytics @ Google. Prior to joining the Google Analytics team, Ilya was the founder and CTO of PostRank, a social web analytics company which was acquired by Google in June 2011. In 2008, Ilya was the recipient of the Ruby Hero award for his contributions to the Ruby community.