Track overview
Track: Test
Software testing is usually performed within projects of delivering valuable software to someone. Testing is about gathering information about the software to enable this someone insight about the values delivered. This years testing tracks has the two focuses of Context Driven testing and testing in Agile projects. Sessions will deliver insights from real projects doing exploratory testing and ATDD/BDD, how to visualize progress and quality and some really interesting aspects of how human factors affect testing. While these two days do not cover many aspects of pure testing, the power of this conference is that testing is highly represented in the rest of the program as well.
Agile Testing: Advanced Topics
Your team successfully adopted Agile and you have traction on practices such as CI, TDD, maybe ATDD. Still, you see lots of room for improvement in testing? In this talk, Janet will share some practices to better understand and capture customer needs, collaborate more effectively and enjoyably with team members, and some ideas how to test on big agile projects.

Janet Gregory
An agile testing coach and practitioner, Janet Gregory is the co-author of Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams and a contributor to 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know. Janet specializes in showing agile teams how testers can add value in areas beyond critiquing the product; for example, by guiding development with business-facing tests. For the past ten years, Janet has been working with teams to transition to agile development, and teaches agile testing courses and tutorials worldwide. Janet contributes articles to publications such as Software Test & Performance Magazine and Agile Journal, and enjoys sharing her experiences at conferences and user group meetings around the world. Janet was named one of the 13 Women of Influence in testing by Software Test & Performance magazine.
Curing Our Binary Disease
Software testing is too computeresque; we suffer a pass/fail addiction, with coverage obsession, metrics tumor and sick test design techniques. We can liberate ourselves and look at diverse information sources, uncovering what is important. We can investigate software as humans, make subjective judgments and handle the inevitable unknown. We can get rid of the numbers, and communicate noteworthy interpretations of what is important.

Rikard Edgren
Rikard Edgren, humanistic tester since 1998, specialized in generalities like test analysis and exploratory testing. Member of the think-tank The Test Eye. Co-author of Software Quality Characteristics, author of The Little Black Book on Test Design.
Automated Acceptance Testing Anti-patterns
In this session, we analyze the anatomy of an automated acceptance test, after which look at actual cases of repeated abuse of the written specification, its testability, or the underlying implementation – hence anti-patterns.

Alexander Tarnowski
Alexander is a developer and architect with a decade of experience in the field and a broad perspective on software development, based on his work as a creator, maintainer, and reviewer of software. He has mostly worked with enterprise applications written in Java. Having worked in all phases of the development process, he believes in craftsmanship, quality, and technical excellence at every stage, which has naturally led him towards testing. He spends a lot of time thinking about what goes on around him and tries to spot patterns, practices, and habits. Recently, he has started sharing his findings through his blog, articles, and presentations.
Time Off For Good Behaviour: Getting the Most Out of Your BDD Tests
To get the most out of Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), you need much more than a tool.You need high value specifications.How do we get the most out of our specification and test writing effort? How do we turn vague business-speak into testable scenarios? These and other questions will be addressed in this talk in which we take a practical approach using real-world examples.

David Evans
David Evans is an independent consultant and agile coach with over 22 years of IT experience. A thought-leader in the field of agile testing, he has trained and consulted on this topic for clients in the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, Australia, South Africa and Singapore. A regular speaker at events and conferences across Europe, David has also had several papers published in IT journals. He currently lives and works in the UK.
Visualising quality
Defect tracking is useless, creating reports on bug trends is a waste of time. QA people who really want to present their business stakeholders with useful information need to focus on a completely different way of reporting. Join Gojko Adzic for an exploration of different ways to measure and visualise quality of software.

Gojko Adzic
Gojko Adzic is a consultant based in the UK who helps ambitious teams worldwide implement Specification by Example and agile testing practices