Track overview
Track: Excellence
One thing we have noted over the years at Øredev is that there are many sessions that do not target developers working with a specific technology. These are simply full of great advice and inspiration for any developer. It doesn't matter whether you are coding in Java, .Net or Javascript, working on enterprise systems, embedded devices or web sites, the sessions target all developers wanting to improve their skills
Software development in F1: challenges, complexity and struggle for excellence
This experience report is based on more than 3 years of software development in F1 with Scrum, Lean and XP, developing evolving and maintaining software to support the F1 racing team from the vehicle conception and throughout every test and race.Have we survived the challenge? How did we survived? Which team and coding practices emerged? What are the most valuable lessons learned from this experience?

Luca Minudel
Extreme Programmer and Lean-Agile Coach, experienced in Scrum, XP and Lean-Agile. Has worked with large and legacy code-bases, complex domains, enterprise level applications. Working in professional software development since 1989. With Agile practices since 2002. During 2006-2009 has contributed to advance the adoption of Agile practices in a leading F1 Racing Team. In a unique context characterized by high levels of pressure, uncertainty, interdependency and rapid unpredictable changes.
Domain Models and Composite Applications
As developers use DDD principles to build larger and richer systems, many of them run into performance and maintainability problems as their domain model grows to meet the demands of the system. Performance problems addressed by eager fetching reappear later in other parts of the system, now requiring the use of lazy loading for the same entities. Join Udi as he shows the use of Bounded Contexts to turn monolithic systems into composite applications, now with multiple lean and mean domain models

Udi Dahan
Mr. Udi Dahan is an internationally renowned expert on software architecture and design. Recognized with the coveted "Most Valuable Professional" award by Microsoft Corporation for solutions architecture and connected systems 4 years in a row, Mr. Dahan is also on the advisory board of Microsoft's next generation technology platforms: WCF/WF/OSLO, the Software Factories Initiative, and the Composite Application Library & Guidance. He provides clients all over the world with training, mentoring and high-end architecture consulting services, specializing in Service-Oriented, scalable and secure enterprise architecture and design. Mr. Dahan is one of 33 experts in Europe recognized by the International .NET Association (INETA), an author and trainer for the International Association of Software Architects on Reliability, Availability, and Scalability, and an SOA, Web Services, and XML Guru recommended by Dr. Dobb's - the world's largest software magazine. Udi Dahan has a proven track record of solution design in Israel's largest companies in the fields of Defense, Travel, and Retail. From web projects in small internet startups, including government projects that push the limits of technology, to enterprise-scale programs with hundreds of developers and testers costing tens of millions of dollars - companies in all verticals and of all sizes entrust Mr. Dahan with providing them relevant and reliable architecture and design for their current and future requirements.
Credit Crunch Code – Time to Pay Back the Technical Debt
Technical debt is the cost of putting off good development practices. This debt, must be paid back to avoid the “interest payments” becoming crippling. This presentation will further define technical debt, before examining some anti-patterns and how to avoid them. We’ll then look at how to put a financial cost on technical debt, and end by examining some measures to identify technical debt in a code base.

Gary Short
Gary Short has over 20 years of experience in software development and has been involved with such industry powerhouses as American Express and IBM. Currently with Developer Express, Gary works alongside the frameworks division as their Technical Evangelist. He has a deep interest in technical architecture, focusing particularly on how architectural design can affect the delivery of development solutions. Gary’s core areas of interest are in technical debt and refactoring. Gary has been recognised as a Microsoft MVP for four consecutive years, and gives back to the developer community through his involvement with both community events, and national and international conferences throughout the UK, Europe and the United States.
Development is a game!
Certifications are a mixed bag. Training is sometimes great, sometimes inadequate. How do these things affect you in your career development? In this session we talk about exciting ways to change this - to make learning fun and relevant, to make certifications have meaning, and to create a powerful community.

Steven 'Doc' List
Steven List (generally known as “Doc”) is the National Agile Evangelist at Neudesic, with a career in software technology spanning three decades. Doc's long-term focus is on the core skills and strategies of management, leadership, team-building, and individual growth, and is an experienced presenter and public speaker, business and agile coach, trainer and workshop leader, and Open Space facilitator.
My boss doesn't understand me
Well, you probably don't understand your boss either. You both have different value needs - your jobs and career paths are different, your performance metrics are different, the political games you play are different. What's needed is a value translator. Visual controls like kanban can serve as a visual translator ... while they help you and your team manage your project. Jim Benson will describe how value translators work how to gain an appreciation for other people's value needs, and how to normalize those needs for better team performance and a happier workplace.

Jim Benson
Jim Benson incorporates his background in cognitive psychology, government, and management to build community through policy, technology, and collaboration. His management consultancy Modus Cooperandi helps organizations change and develop sustainable teams through the application of lean principles, agile methodologies, and social media.