Track overview
Track: Excellence
One thing we have noted over the years at Øredev is that there are many sessions that do not target developers working with a specific technology. These are simply full of great advice and inspiration for any developer. It doesn't matter whether you are coding in Java, .Net or Javascript, working on enterprise systems, embedded devices or web sites, the sessions target all developers wanting to improve their skills
Visualisations and Infographics: How to gain users and influence people
This class will talk about the value of good visualisations for conveying information and getting your story across. Whether that's a location privacy scandal that caused US Senate hearings, or something more day-to-day, when you're dealing with messy data presenting it in the right manner can mean the difference between fame and obscurity. A successful application, or an ignominious failure.

Alasdair Allan
Alasdair Allan is the author of Learning iPhone Programming and Programming iPhone Sensors published by O'Reilly Media. He is a senior research fellow at the University of Exeter working on machine learning and its applications in real time, real world, systems. He also runs a small technology consulting business writing bespoke software, building open hardware and providing training.
Hacking Developer Productivity
Serious software development requires the proper use of tools, practices, and settings to eliminate the tedium involved with creating quality software. From the individual developer to a large distributed team, there are many tips, tricks, and shortcuts that can save seconds, minutes, or even hours every day. By using the proper tools, following the best practices, and optimizing the development environment, this talk will help you get things done more quickly and with more predictable results.

Chris Patterson
Chris is an architect for RelayHealth, the connectivity business of the leading healthcare services company in the US. There he is responsible for the architecture and development of applications and services that accelerate care delivery by connecting patients, providers, pharmacies, and financial institutions. As an open-source contributor, Chris is an author of MassTransit, a .NET service bus framework, and Topshelf, a Windows service framework.
When the Fur Flies: Dev and Ops Collaboration at the Worst of Times
This talk addresses the need for developers to understand and collaborate with operations, as well as the consequences when collaboration does not happen. It's an argument for DevOps, by examining a pair of case studies: one where this collaboration happened, and one where it did not.

Michael Nygard
Michael's desire to teach what he knows shows in daily work, speaking engagements, and writing. Michael wrote "Release It!"---about building large scale systems to survive the real world, rather than just passing QA---and has contributed to several other books. These days, he is devoted to improving the odds that a client's system will make money for them, by understanding time, uncertainty, risk, ignorance, and architecture.
A less technical talk on technical communication
As developers, we spend more time communicating with humans than we do with computers. How can we do that more effectively? How can we be more accurate and concise in our communication? How can we best find analogies which illustrate the desired point? When working with difficult to describe concepts, how can we more easily define them and improve our communication of them? What short and long term benefits can we reap from learning to more effectively communicate? (Yeah, very touchy-feely...)

Jon Skeet
Jon is a software engineer working in the Mobile team at Google. While his day job primarily involves Java code, Jon is a huge C# enthusiast. His book on the language, “C# in Depth” is now in its second edition. He is probably best known for his contributions to Stack Overflow, the developer Q&A web site – although before Stack Overflow he was a prolific newsgroup poster. Although Jon is employed by Google, his talks are his personal opinions; he is not speaking on behalf of Google.
What Testers and Developers Can Learn From Each Other
The rise of cross-functional agile teams has helped to bring a greater sense of collaboration and mutual respect between developers and testers. But many teams still struggle with the basic issues. What is the role of the tester in an agile team? How many testers do we need? What does a team gain from having professional testers? Perhaps there is another way to approach these questions.

David Evans
David Evans is an independent consultant and agile coach with over 22 years of IT experience. A thought-leader in the field of agile testing, he has trained and consulted on this topic for clients in the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, Australia, South Africa and Singapore. A regular speaker at events and conferences across Europe, David has also had several papers published in IT journals. He currently lives and works in the UK.
API - the hidden UI
Just as the food chain is made out of more actors than the bacteria and the top predator, the software chain contains more than the CPU and the end user. User experience is typically about the end user experience, but we should not forget the developers. This talk will explore the API as a user interface; what makes it more or less user friendly? What difference do things like naming, namespace structure and constructor design make? What if you could make other developers really reuse your code?

Fredrik Mörk
Fredrik Mörk is a consultant with Diversify, Sweden, working mainly within in .NET area. His assignments often contains a mix of being a developer, architect and a mentor. He often works through all of the stack, from the user experience down to the backend. He is also passionate about sharing his knowledge within as well as outside of his team, and is a frequent contributor on