Track overview
Track: Java
Data Access 2.0? Please welcome - Spring Data!
Oliver Gierke is engineer at SpringSource, a division of VMware, project lead of the Spring Data JPA module and involved into other Spring Data modules (e.g. MongoDB) as well. He has been into developing enterprise applications and open source projects for over 6 years now. His working focus is centered around software architecture, Spring and persistence technologies. He is regularly speaking at German and international conferences as well as author of technology articles.

Oliver Gierke
Oliver Gierke is engineer at SpringSource, a division of VMware, project lead of the Spring Data JPA module and involved into other Spring Data modules (e.g. MongoDB) as well. He has been into developing enterprise applications and open source projects for over 6 years now. His working focus is centered around software architecture, Spring and persistence technologies. He is regularly speaking at German and international conferences as well as author of technology articles.
Java 7 What's New, What's Next?
Finally Java SE 7 is GA and you can start using it. This talk will cover the most important new features of the language and the virtual machine. It will also cover some features that did not make it in to the SE 7 release. Finally we will discuss current state of Java as an ecosystem and my analysis and hopes for the future.

Mattias Karlsson
Mattias spends most of his time working with software development in the financial sector as well as leading a Java User Group in Stockholm. Mattias has worked with software development since 1993. Through the years he has gained experience from many different roles, including developer, architect, team leader, coach, manager, and teacher. Mattias also contributed to the book "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know" and is awarded Java Champion status.
What the JVM Does With your Bytecode when Nobody's Looking
Look at you, hacker. You think you know all there is about building apps for the JVM. You've used all the cool tools. You've written your own persistence library or web frameworks. Maybe you've even implemented a JVM language. But do you really know what happens to your code after you hand it off to the JVM? This talk will explore the guts of the OpenJDK VM, Hotspot. We'll take a few simple examples from bytecode through optimization and compilation all the way down to assembly code, and explore how you can ensure your code runs as fast as possible. We'll see how generational garbage collection works with the aid of VisualVM and learn a few JVM flags to help you tune it. We'll play with invokedynamic and show how it fits into the JVM story. And we'll chat about how you can take advantage of this newfound knowledge to be a better JVM user.

Charles Nutter
Charles Oliver Nutter has been co-lead of the JRuby project for the past four years, working on performance and Java integration, and helping to coordinate community efforts. During that time JRuby has become a premier platform for Ruby users, allowing both a gateway to Java-centric organizations as well as an excellent Ruby implementation. Charles hopes to expand JRuby’s success to other JVM languages, building the JVM into the best platform for multi-language development.
Get Dressed for Success - From Swing to JavaFX
Swing has been a great retainer for years, but with todayís focus on rich user interfaces, many Java applications can benefit from using JavaFX instead. The question is, how do you manage that when youíre stuck with a an old Swing front end? This presentation starts with a typical Swing application and replaces parts of it with a shiny new JavaFX interface. During this transformation event listeners are replaced by JavaFX bindings, hardcoded color constants are replaced by style sheets and instead of the limited HTML support in Swing, the JavaFX WebView component is used to display formatted content. After this presentation the audience will have a thorough understanding of how JavaFX can replace all or parts of a Swing user interface.

Pär Sikö
Pär is a passionate developer whoʼs been working with client side Java for more than ten years and that is hoping for another ten years filled with challenges and new technology. Pär is a fast learner with a need to always learn more and never being satisfied, always wanting more. This is a good thing since GUI programming always ends up on pixel level where the details are of utter most importance.

Martin Gunnarsson
Great programmers are usually lousy designers, and vice versa, but Martin is one of those rare crossbreeds who can handle both. Graphics programming and GUI design suits him particularly well, but being a true perfectionist, heʼs rarely satisfied with the results of his own work. Martin has worked with many different client side frameworks the last few years, including Swing, JavaFX, Android, Javascript and iOS.
Vaadin, Rich Web Apps in Server-Side Java without Plug-ins or JavaScript
Vaadin Framework provides a desktop-like programming model on the server for creating Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) in plain Java - without the need for HTML, XML, plug-ins or JavaScript. In this session, one of the core Vaadin developers lays out the key concepts of the server-side RIA development model and shows how to build an application with Vaadin ground up.

Joonas Lehtinen
Dr. Joonas Lehtinen is one of the core developers of Vaadin, a Java-based framework for building business-oriented Rich Internet Applications. Joonas has been developing applications for the web since 1995 with a strong focus on Ajax and Java. He is the founder and CEO of the company behind the Vaadin framework and is a frequent speaker at international conferences.