Track overview
Track: Web
0-60 with Goliath: Building High Performance Ruby Web-Services
Building a high-performance web service in Ruby? Then, chances are, you are looking at implementing a non-blocking server. Goliath is an open source, event-driven I/O framework, much like node.js or Tornado, except that Goliath is based on EventMachine, features a Ruby API, and most importantly, does away with the asynchronous "callback muck" by utilizing Ruby 1.9’s Fibers to preserve the nice synchronous look-and-feel of your code – which makes it much easier to write, test, and maintain.

Ilya Grigorik
Ilya Grigorik is a developer, an open-source and Ruby evangelist, a data-geek, and a proverbial early adopter of all things digital. Now living in the San Francisco Bay Area, Ilya is working on Social Analytics @ Google. Prior to joining the Google Analytics team, Ilya was the founder and CTO of PostRank, a social web analytics company which was acquired by Google in June 2011. In 2008, Ilya was the recipient of the Ruby Hero award for his contributions to the Ruby community.
CoffeeScript: Design Patterns for the New JavaScript
CoffeeScript is a relatively small and simple language. At its core, it's just JavaScript. Because its types and semantics are the same, you can use CoffeeScript with any JS library. But a little syntactic sugar goes a long way. Find out how this little language could dramatically change the way you write code.

Trevor Burnham
Trevor Burnham is a full-stack web developer with a passion for new technologies. He is the founder of DataBraid, a startup developing data analysis and visualization tools that support remote collaboration. When on Twitter, he goes by @TrevorBurnham and @CoffeeScript. When offline, he’s usually in Cambridge, MA.
Functional Javascript
Javascript has long been a misunderstood programming language. Its roots come from Self and Scheme, a prototypical and a functional programming language respectively. Not very mainstream! Yet, Javascript has evolved into one of the most widespread programming languages in the world! In this presentation you will learn what it means for a language to have first class functions and you will learn functional programming with higher order functions. I will show how to use functional programmingtechniques in Javascript and how these techniques can help you organize your code.

Anders Janmyr
Anders Janmyr is a developer since about twenty years. He loves writing code but, also talking and writing about it. He has worked in many different domains, from databases and servers to mobile phones and robots, and has experience with small and large scale architectures. He has a wide experience of programming languages C, Smalltalk, Java, C# Haskell, Lisp, Ruby and Javascript among others. The last years he has spent mainly with Ruby and Javascript. He loves the combination of dynamic languages and test-driven development since it gives him a short feedback loop and peace of mind.
Transforming Data into Pixels: Visualization with Canvas and CoffeeScript
HTML5's canvas isn't just for games. You can use those pixels for serious business, from simple charts and graphs to dynamic, interactive data visualizations that perform well across all modern browsers (including those on iOS and Android devices).Thanks to CoffeeScript and a plethora of new libraries, the once-intimidating canvas is now easily tamed. I'll show, step-by-step, how you can build a robust data visualization system that fits your site's needs.

Trevor Burnham
Trevor Burnham is a full-stack web developer with a passion for new technologies. He is the founder of DataBraid, a startup developing data analysis and visualization tools that support remote collaboration. When on Twitter, he goes by @TrevorBurnham and @CoffeeScript. When offline, he’s usually in Cambridge, MA.
Under Attack, Web Application Security in Practice
There is a gap between the security experts and developers and their view of software development. This session will try to bridge the gap, give an overview of the current state of web application security and show ways to get security into the minds of the developers .

Tobias Järlund
Tobias spent several years developing software for the academic world before he left to search happiness in the media industry. Today he works as Lead developer at, the primary news source of the Swedish people. Tobias tries to master and be involved in all aspects of software development, with a passion for web performance, scalability and security.