Session: CoffeeScript: Design Patterns for the New JavaScript
Friday, 11:10 - 12:00
Track: Web
CoffeeScript is a relatively small and simple language. At its core, it's just JavaScript. Because its types and semantics are the same, you can use CoffeeScript with any JS library. But a little syntactic sugar goes a long way. Find out how this little language could dramatically change the way you write code.
Any programmer should be able to follow this talk.
For those who aren't yet acquainted with CoffeeScript, this talk will server as a primer. For those who are, I'll discuss best practices for the style and structure of CoffeeScript code.
Trevor Burnham
Trevor Burnham is a full-stack web developer with a passion for new technologies. He is the founder of DataBraid, a startup developing data analysis and visualization tools that support remote collaboration. When on Twitter, he goes by @TrevorBurnham and @CoffeeScript. When offline, he’s usually in Cambridge, MA.