Session: Get Dressed for Success - From Swing to JavaFX
Friday, 14:05 - 14:55
Track: Java
Swing has been a great retainer for years, but with todayís focus on rich user interfaces, many Java applications can benefit from using JavaFX instead. The question is, how do you manage that when youíre stuck with a an old Swing front end? This presentation starts with a typical Swing application and replaces parts of it with a shiny new JavaFX interface. During this transformation event listeners are replaced by JavaFX bindings, hardcoded color constants are replaced by style sheets and instead of the limited HTML support in Swing, the JavaFX WebView component is used to display formatted content. After this presentation the audience will have a thorough understanding of how JavaFX can replace all or parts of a Swing user interface.
How to convert at Swing application to a JavaFX application
Pär Sikö
Pär is a passionate developer whoʼs been working with client side Java for more than ten years and that is hoping for another ten years filled with challenges and new technology. Pär is a fast learner with a need to always learn more and never being satisfied, always wanting more. This is a good thing since GUI programming always ends up on pixel level where the details are of utter most importance.

Martin Gunnarsson
Great programmers are usually lousy designers, and vice versa, but Martin is one of those rare crossbreeds who can handle both. Graphics programming and GUI design suits him particularly well, but being a true perfectionist, heʼs rarely satisfied with the results of his own work. Martin has worked with many different client side frameworks the last few years, including Swing, JavaFX, Android, Javascript and iOS.