Session: How hard could it be? What’s User Experience is and isn’t
Thursday, 10:00 - 10:50
Track: User Experience
User Experience is the newish general term we give to user research, user interface design, usability engineering, and a few other sub-specialties. In the past UX work fell to a select few specialized roles – roles that didn’t fit well in many processes, especially agile processes. Over the last decade there’s been an evolution towards more whole-team thinking and a wealth of new practices that involve everyone in UX design. The session will help developers and others understand what UX is and isn't, how UX practice fits into agile process today, and why it was such a challenge to get it to fit in the first place.
Jeff Patton
Jeff makes use of over 15 years experience with a wide variety of products from on-line aircraft parts ordering to electronic medical records to help organizations improve the way they work. Where many development processes focus on delivery speed and efficiency, Jeff balances those concerns with the need for building products that deliver exceptional value and marketplace success.