Session: Location Enabled Sensors for iOS: Making use of the sensors on your iPhone and iPad
Wednesday, 15:40 - 16:30
Track: Smart phone
This class will guide you through developing location aware applications for the iOS platforms that make use of the onboard sensors: the 3-axis accelerometer, the magnetometer, the gyroscope, the camera and the on GPS. You’ll learn how to make use of these onboard sensors and combine them to build sophisticated location aware applications. This will give you the background to building your own applications independently using the hottest location-aware technology yet for any mobile platforms.
Experienced developers with some background in a C-derived language will benefit from this session. Although some background in developing on a mobile platform, and iOS in particular, or with Objectiv
Basic use of the Core Location and MapKit frameworks to build a location aware applications, along with use of the core hardware sensors: the accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope, camera & GPS.
Alasdair Allan
Alasdair Allan is the author of Learning iPhone Programming and Programming iPhone Sensors published by O'Reilly Media. He is a senior research fellow at the University of Exeter working on machine learning and its applications in real time, real world, systems. He also runs a small technology consulting business writing bespoke software, building open hardware and providing training.