Session: What stirreth a VC's Heart
Thursday, 11:10 - 12:00
Track: Entrepreneurship
If you have a great idea, one that commands your attention and eclipsesall else, but misses that one slippery element- backing- you want toarrive early to this session. Christian, who has taken in the view (andfrom that, developed a few of his own) from every angle ofentrepreneurship, will be touching upon the 4 essentials for the ambitiousand committed entrepreneur:What a VC looks for, and especially Sunstone capital in this caseLayout of the processes around financing, including selectionThe Do's and Don'ts when approaching a VCLessons learned from the VC viewpoint
Christian Lindegård Jepsen
Christian brings a combination of international start-up, technology and media experience spanning more than 12 years in four countries. His background includes experience from founding start-ups, international fund raising, strategic & operational planning, negotiations, and media strategy. Christian has founded three technology companies in the areas of web production, telecommunications, and digital TV. Two of these were Danish companies, while the third - Pangea - was founded in the US with an operational base in Europe. At Pangea, Christian was part of a team that raised approximately $450 million in debt and equity. Christian has lived and worked in Copenhagen, Washington DC, New York, Amsterdam and London.