Session: Why common agile practice isn’t agile
Thursday, 14:20 - 15:10
Track: Agile
In 2001 the Agile Manifesto quietly described a set of values and principles that helped align a huge community of frustrated software practitioners. Finally we had an antidote to the dogmatic heavy processes we’d been forced to endure for the past couple decades. In this talk Jeff describes how much of today’s common agile practice has started to backslide towards the very thing we were avoiding 10 years ago. Jeff will describe how you can detect if you’re starting to backslide. You’ll hear some examples of real process innovation that to some appear to break agile rules but actually stays true to the spirit of agile development.
Jeff Patton
Jeff makes use of over 15 years experience with a wide variety of products from on-line aircraft parts ordering to electronic medical records to help organizations improve the way they work. Where many development processes focus on delivery speed and efficiency, Jeff balances those concerns with the need for building products that deliver exceptional value and marketplace success.